Questions about BEC

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    I have been studying for BEC for about a two weeks. I have been going over the topics I know first. I am using Becker and Gleim. I am having a hard time memorizing all of the equations that are part of Working Capital Financing and Long Term Capital Financing. Are those heavily tested on the exam? If so what else is? My book gives me percentages but I was wondering like how much math problems are there compared to word problems. Any other tips would be great.

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  • #209142

    try to write down each formula 5-6 times, this worked for me. I got at least 10 questions for calc, so if you want to pass, try to memorize. Unfortunetely there is no way around


    stopleinad…I'm not sure you'll get too many responses just because it is too hard to stay away from sharing content on the exam. All I can say is that my BEC exam was pretty consistent with the percentages listed in the books. I don't personally remember thoes equations you were mentioning, but if the percentages say they are covered then plan on it. Depending on your study materials, you should feel well prepared for the exam. I used Becker and walked out knowing I passed.


    I have a question about S Corps- I am reading through my Wiley BEC book and it says the number of shareholders is limited to 75, but I just finished the REG portion and Wiley said it was 100. I know this is a picky question but just curious as to which one is right?! Thanks!


    My BEC Becker book says 100 Copyright 2009


    stopleinad- the calc questions I had were just like in the reviews, usually more simple. you just have to memorize the equations, do them over and over and understand them

    Hope- It is 100, definitely. Even in school I learned it was 100.. Maybe 75 was an old rule..


    It used to be 75…pretty sure it's 100 now.


    Hope2B: In the CRAM dvd Phil clarifies that it is a typo and it should be 100.

    REG(92) - FAR(82) - BEC(84) - AUD(11/23)


    Thanks for the help everyone! I haven't gotten to the CRAM yet, but I was just working on listening to the lectures and working the Wiley 14.0 CD questions- and there were a couple that had the 75 too! Thanks again!!

    And Jeff- THANK YOU so much for this forum! I didn't find the site til after I took FAR, but now I'm studying for the others and I love this site!!


    It's definately < 100 Shareholders (which family members count as 1 Shareholder all together) per S Corp (Becker). 75 (from Yaeger/Wiley) is an old rule. I had just looked that up not too long ago… found it in some acctg std.


    I have gone through all of Wiley's questions for BEC on the Wiley CD twice and am doing well. My question is, I want to buy the YEAGER cram for BEC and stream the online videos in order to help me touch up on weak sections and learn what to focus on. Do I need the Wiley book? As I mentioned, I have the Wiley CD with all the MC's. Will the CD correlate? I don't have the book, just the CD. Thanks.

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