Out of steam, ideas and understanding!

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    We are completely out of steam, ideas and understanding!!

    Yesterday, my boyfriend received his 5th…yes…5th failing score on BEC, his last exam. We are devasted. This has been a long and horrible journey for both of us, and I want nothing more than for it to be over for him. Ok…While the first few times, he definitely didn’t study as much as he could have…this last time he knew the information, I quizzed him on it and was so happy with how much he had down! The result…72! On 2/26/11 he will start losing the other three parts he has completed, this is our last chance!

    We’ve used Becker and most recently Yaeger…both yeilding results in the excruciating 70-74 range and I don’t know what else to do. With the exam changing this next window, we are aware that the best idea would probably be new review software, unfortunately we aren’t made of money and have no idea where we would come up with the funds to buy ANOTHER review software.

    Please, any ideas, tips, encouragement anything will be appreciated. We just aren’t sure what else to do. He’s ready to give up the whole thing.

    Last month I received my CPA certificate…I would gladly give it back and go through the whole process again for him to be done with this awful exam! 🙁

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  • #259433

    @CPAPlease: Its awesome how much you are encouraging him through this process. Please keep up your strength and understanding for what will hopefully be his last & most successful attempt at BEC.

    I've used Becker and heard of many people speak very highly of Yaeger so its clear that the problem doesn't really lie in your review material. What has his study strategy been so far? Writing and re-writing notes + Solving as many MCQs as you can lay your hands on seems to work for many people, including me.

    Also, I understand that its not easy to go through material for the 6th time cause its boring to read it all over again. I think he should take 2-3 days off to clear his mind and then start again from scratch. I used to find different places to study (the idea behind that was, the material can't change – its going to remain boring and monotonous so why don't I change my place of study so that I feel fresh every time I open those books — This really worked for me! I often look at this exam as a mind game where you have to train yourself or do things that are conducive to your studying patterns)

    While 2011 changes are expected to make BEC tougher, i have always looked at the writing communication as a give-away and hopefully the 15% allotted to written communication will help him get past the 75 mark this time!

    Good Luck to the both of you!!!


    When I failed FAR and REG with a 72 on each, I decided to ditch the lectures and just read the chapters and do MCQ's and write down the questions and answers. I also started to read each answer and explanations on the MCQs. I also used CPA review for free to get more questions. I though their reg questions in regards to determining the tax basis were better than some of my Becker questions. I ended up getting an 81 on my FAR retake. When I took the test the 2nd time around it seemed easier. I am still waiting for my reg score, but the test wasn near as difficult as it had been the 1st time around.

    AUD- 84 BEC-79 REG-86 FAR- 81 Ethics-95


    I think BEC is underestimated. It's hard, in my opinion… and I HATED it. What are his weak areas according to his score reports? Does he have the Gleim questions? If not, get them- it's like $60 and the questions are broken into so many categories and he can really really drill the problem areas specifically. Does he get anxious and rush through the test and not read the questions slowly? I do that and it's a terrible habit that will bite you. And, as it was previously mentioned, maybe the new format will boost his score if he can nail written communications. Hang in there! You guys will get through this!


    Food for thought. Last wave (nov 2010) there were 18,970 BEC scores released. I am willing to bet that was the largest wave ever. Since scores are adjusted for roughly a 50% pass rate you can assume 9,500 people failed.

    My point:

    1. You are not alone (myself included)

    2. The 72 probably would have been a passing score in most other waves.

    Brush up on your writing skills and retake it next quarter. Next quarter will probably be a good time to take BEC since there was such a large rush.

    BEC 71,77
    REG 65,85
    FAR 7/1/13
    AUD 8/24/13

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