Need help studying

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  • #2054597

    I’m taking the BEC exam on December 10th. I”m having trouble pacing my studying and feel like I”m behind on my study schedule. Im using Becker. I go thru the lectures and take notes. Then I go thru the
    MC questions but not remembering anything. I feel like I’m taking longer than I need to on each module. How is everyone else handling this?

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  • #2054618

    If you feel like you don't have enough time the biggest thing is to consider how you learn best and tailor your strategy around that. If you learn best reading and taking notes, do that and skip the videos, if you learn best from videos do that and skip the book. Other than that, most people consistently suggest just doing as many MCQ as possible and any time you miss it make sure you understand why and write down a little note about it. Sometimes for that I have to go back to the book or video to really understand why I missed it because the solution isn't enough but the act of doing all that really helps submit that concept in my head. My only other advice is accountability. Make a schedule, stick to it, and find someone or some group/place to talk about your goals and your progress to help keep you motivated and on track. I was really active in the NINJA far study group while going through FAR and seeing people who were talking about planning to and getting through 150 MCQ in a day motivated me to do the same and knowing I was posting my progress too helped me feel more driven to hit my targets. I was hoping to find an accountability partner when I had to cancel my NINJA subscription but have not so I joined a study group on facebook but its not nearly as motivating as the NINJA group was, or as active. Anyway, hope something in all that rambling helps you, good luck!


    Thanks. My biggest struggle is sticking to a study schedule. I'll have to do it for the next few weeks though.


    I found that making an excel sheet helped me a lot. I took the number of days until my day to start reviewing and divided up my videos and MCQ and everything into an amount per day. For example, I watch 5% of my Roger's videos per day and need to do 50 MCQ and 1 SIM/WC. This will put me having seen all the questions in Rogers at least once (with over 200 repeats) and having watched all the videos (i read the chapter as I go through the video so thats included too) but a week and a day before my exam. If I work ahead then I can do a little less another night in the future or take a day off (like I am working ahead now so I can take Monday off) but I have to at least be on track. This method is good motivation for me. Right now I should be at 25% of my videos by bed tonight and I'm actually at 32% cumulative total already 🙂


    @Ashima, just do what works best for you. Personally, I found that I could read the lectures a lot faster than watching them. I then ran through the all of the MCQ. Areas I was weak in, I would go re-read. I never really was too big into the SIMS or skills practices either. I only “completed” 22% of the FAR section on Becker, but still made a 96.
    The only other thing I know is to make sure you are 100% focused. Doesn't do any good to read or watch the lectures half-heartedly. You won't remember anything you read/heard.

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