There are some really great motivational videos and posts on this forum!
You've just got to force yourself to sit down and study. In a month from now you don't want to regret today and say “I wish I had spent those hours studying instead of….”
When I didn't pass BEC last time I kind of expected it because I hadn't put in as much as I should have. I had a lot of things going on and let them distract me.
Don't make the same mistake!! You can do this!! No one says it's going to be smooth or easy, in fact most people find it hard, and therefore many never even become CPAs. But you can! You have to put your mind to it and just crack open that book/computer/notes…
I see we're taking BEC the same day – 11/30. I have barely begun studying as I've just been bogged down with work and grad school and family obligations. But now it's one month to test day, and I've got to give this thing my all (or most of my all).
If you really want this badly, you'll put relaxation off for this (hopefully) short amount of time and get this exam over and done with.
And there really is plenty of time for relaxing if you need it. I always manage to find a few hours here and there to do other stuff. But studying generally comes first.
Good luck!