just took it today….my thoughts

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  • #160824

    Corporate Governance and IT destroyed me. If it wasn’t for those topics, I would’ve gotten at least an 80 on it.

    One essay question topic I completely misunderstood

    I probably got a 74 on it lol

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  • #289978

    Think positively! I thought I totally bombed my BEC exam and was amazed I got a passing score of 79! I am hoping for the best for you in September…

    BEC: 79 - April 2011
    FAR: 78 - May 2011
    AUD: 81 - May 2012
    REG: 79 - October 2012
    Ethics: Passed - March 2013
    I am finally DONE!


    thanks for the words of encouragement πŸ™‚

    can somebody tell me how this is graded? and when I can expect to receive my score? This is my first test so I'm not sure how it all goes



    No one except the AICPA knows how it's graded, but the following is the explanation given.


    For this test window scores will not be released until sometime in September. For the second test window scores were released over about 7 or 8 days beginning 6/20. When you actually receive your score depends on how your state handles the score release – about half are NASBA states and the rest either post scores to their sites themselves or use snail mail.

    FAR 4/1/11 - 89
    AUD 4/15/11 - 85
    REG 4/29/11 - 80
    BEC 5/13/11 - 85


    destroyed you how??? did you use the ninja notes??/ how did u prepare??


    I never got a good feel for what COSO was and what it entailed. The IT section was also a weak point of mine πŸ™

    I used Wiley, Becker, and cpareviewforfree. I didnt use the ninja notes. The questions were very in depth, much more so than any of the study materials


    I agree. Corp. Governance was hard.

    But do you want to feel better? Think about this: As we all know they don't count some questions towards your grade. The idea behind this is to figure out the difficulty of those questions to be used in upcoming windows. Considering Corp. Governance is a pretty new material, I don't think they have a good database. Thus, I believe most of those questions could be pretest questions.

    That also explains why we see more questions than we expect regarding this subject.

    B - 7/1/2011 ---------> 85
    R - 7/28/2011 ---------> 77!!!
    A - 10/30/2011---------> 83
    F - 11/26/2012 --------> 85


    that's actually a excellent assessment of what might have happened

    good point synergiex.


    @khachik2003 What would you say your ratio of conceptual to calculations were on the test?


    @altair8: Time management is very much a part of every single one of these exams (maybe with the exception of Audit)…you really have to decide a time limit BEFORE starting your exam and make yourself stick to it! I also had a lot of math type questions, but I forced myself to stick with my time schedule so I could actually finish the 3 written SIMS.

    As for passing without finishing those, it really depends on many things…If the one that you actually finished was a pretest question, then it won't count and that would really suck! I hope that is not the case and that you were stronger on the MCQ…I honestly wouldn't worry too much because what is done is done…you can't go back and fix it now, so just hope for the best and move on. I had a hard time with that after my BEC and FAR exams…

    Best of luck to you come September πŸ™‚

    BEC: 79 - April 2011
    FAR: 78 - May 2011
    AUD: 81 - May 2012
    REG: 79 - October 2012
    Ethics: Passed - March 2013
    I am finally DONE!


    How much time did you allocate for written communication? Just hope that the WC that you completed is counted. You might want to edit your post so that you are not disclosing too much information.

    AUD - 83 Feb11
    REG - 75 May11
    BEC - 73 July11 84 Oct11
    FAR - 63 Aug11 76 Feb12 I'M DONE!!!!!


    @IwannaBaCPA: Thanks so much…fingers crossed!

    : I spent about 15-20 min for 1st WC and 5-7min left to start the new one…but wrote just 3-4 general sentences…


    Did anyone else feel like certain topics barely had any questions? I was light on some that I spent a lot of time studying.

    AUD - 76 (lost credit), 71, 82!
    BEC - 84 (lost credit), 80
    FAR - 67, 76
    REG - 44, 64, 52, 72, 70, 54, 64, 67, 78!


    I had a lot more conceptual to computational but thats how most of these tests go anyways.

    @snowbrick Yeah some topics were hardly tested at all but thats understandable considering how vast the range of topics are in BEC


    I feel exactly the sames as you do khachik2003. I just took BEC and I feel that I failed. I was expecting more variance questions and finance problems. Only got one variance question and one NPV. Mostly there were questions on COSO. Was not prepared for that! So depressed now. Lol!

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