@jomarie, kricket, nolifecpa, jenuno and everyone else: checking in and help!

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  • #172051
    Journey to Fate

    Its been several weeks since I checked in with everyone.

    : i saw your 1 away….congraulations !! keep up the good work.

    Anyways, heres where I stand:

    I did all the lectures as per the reccomendation of everyone, took INSANE notes. Now im in the process of doing the wiley MCs and taking notes and rewriting my notes from the chapters. Then i’ll focus on the MCs from the test bank… i delayed my exam (not ideal but i felt I had to). I’m worried as i have many events in july, but I just need to focus and keep going at this point. I have only a few more modules of using my refocusing study habits of writing down all the notes and rewriting them and then it will be MCs until i cant do them anymore and memorizing formulas from flashcards.

    At the end of the day, its been a rough week and weekend, so i thought i’d come back here and reach out for encouragement. People around me keep passing. I can’t even get one under my belt. Its just so frustrating because I try so hard.

    Also i know some people had asked my schedule consists of: get to work an hour early, study for an hour, study at lunch and then do another 1-2 hours at home after work depending on how tired I am, then just do as much as I can over the weekend. I’d guess im probably averaging about 18-22 hours a week depending on the week. I just wish I could get one under my belt and i think it would really get me going. As you all know, some days are better than others.

    I do know one thing, I wont give up this time.

    BEC- 67, 69

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  • #353520

    @JTF I really admire your perseverance. One thing you should consider doing is as you're going through the MCQs a second or first time, use the ‘Mark' feature of Wiley to mark only questions that are not repeated elsewhere, or questions that you think are tough or test comprehensive topics. This way, when you're on you final review, you can tell Wiley to only produce quizzes made up of Marked questions… it will save you time on your final review and you'll focus on your weaker areas. Taking notes based on the MCQs is a good idea too. Other than that, sounds like you're doing well! Keep it up!

    Class of 2012

    Journey to Fate

    @jenuno thanks for your continued support. i really do appreciate it and appreciate your advice.

    marking the questions is a really great idea and im going to do that! It is so frustrating because all i hear see is people passing and i just cant even get one under my belt 🙁

    BEC- 67, 69


    Hey Journey!

    Sorry you haven't had much luck. It doesn't sound like you are poorly prepared really. I'm pretty new to the forum but so far to me it doesn't sound like many people are going into the test super unprepared in terms of study time, but rather that they either don't take tests well or don't quite understand the concepts.

    When I took my CMA (which covers most of the BEC plus other stuff) I really struggled with costing concepts. I just didn't really get it. Because of how I learn having someone explain it was key for me. Once the pieces fell into place I was able to own that test. So I guess the point is- do you really understand how that stuff works? If not don't worry about memorizing the details until you do. Once you understand how/when/why and the concept it pretty much intuitive to you the other pieces will fall into place.

    Also- are you just a nervous test taker? I will say that I always thought of myself as a great and CALM test taker until I walked into the Prometric Test Center. The tension in that place in ridiculous. I really had to work on not puking into the trash can. LOL. But remember that if you are able to stay calm and focused you've passed or failed that test the second you walk into prometric before you even start the test. As my friend says “You've already written history there, so now just wait and see what you wrote”. There have actually been studies that have shown that if you are nervous you lose about 20% of your problem solving skills.

    That's all the ideas I have. Make sure your review course matches your learning style. I hate Gleim with a passion but I know it works for some. My BFF Roger is a great match for me, because I love having someone SHOW me, but other people want to shoot him in the face the second he says “Welcome, Welcome to another exciting… “

    Good luck. you'll get one new time!!!

    mena je twa

    Jouney to fate…

    You are bound to pass – Dont give up, keep your head down, hit the multiple choices questions and have a positive attitude. You are doing everything right that will eventually make you a CPA.

    Licensed CPA, Texas - 2012


    rule #1: believe in yourself!

    i've been on this journey for 6 years so i know how it feels to see people passing. also i failed 12 exams before my first pass, good thing i tried for exam 13

    don't compare yourself to others. when we compare ourselves to others we lose focus on ourselves. you're the one that's going to take the exam, you're the one that's going to get licensed, you're the one that's going to have CPA after you're name. this is your very own special unique journey, nobody else!

    you can do it! but you have to believe in yourself!



    Journey to Fate

    thanks you guys- i really do appreciate all your support!

    any advice as always is very much appreciated!

    BEC- 67, 69


    @JTF: I got 3failing scores before I started passing. I was so devastated because I felt all my friends were successful, two of my cousins are CPAs (one of them passed all 1st try), etc…and here I was, couldn't even pass one exam even though I was studying full time.

    After 3 failing scores, something had to be changed. People were passing and I wasn't…I was doing something wrong. Then I evaluated my study habits and found out that I was taking many short cuts. I decided to give it my all and study…I mean, really study. That meant no facebook, no youtube, no twitter, no nothing.

    I kept using Becker but supplemented with Wiley and bit of Ninja notes & audio for FAR. I read each chapter twice and did all the MCQs/SIMs in Becker at least two-three times. I supplemented with Wiley whenever I could, especially for REG. I took notes on what I was getting wrong, key points, etc. I was finally starting to pass.

    The point is, don't give up. Anyone can do this if they work hard and give it everything they have. I know that itch to get one passing score, and I know one day you will pass. Just keep working at it and do what works for you. NINJA apprach doesn't work for me, as I can't watch all lectures at once without reading…re-writing notes seems too much work for me, etc. Do what works for you, not what works for others.

    Good Luck and keep us updated. We are all rooting for you!!

    Journey to Fate

    @CPA – i REALLY appreciate your support and confidence in me. it means alot. so heres my question not just to you but to everyone…people keep saying do what works for you (maybe i should make this an actually post), but how do i do what works for me if i clearly havnet figured out what works for me? clearly i havent because i havent passed a part yet:-(

    BEC- 67, 69



    oh boy, that is the million $ question!!!

    i was never a good student and never really studied so i never figured out how i learn best. it took me about 5 years of trial and error and i still don't think i truely got it down

    you just have to figure it out yourself cuz nobody knows you better than you

    only thing i can say is don't leave any stone unturned, give it your all and do anthing and everything

    you will figure it out and once you do it will be a lot easier…gluck!!



    Journey to Fate

    @nolife – thanks~!! i think im still learning what works good/bad for me but i think im making progress by following the NINJA plan…. i guess we will see in another month…otherwise it may be time to switch materials :-(. I have refocused my efforts and i am going to beat this thing!

    like my confidence? haha. just so frustrating. anotehr day, another friend who has passed.

    i try to use it as motivation.

    BEC- 67, 69


    That is a hard question, but here's what I did.

    My first 3 exams, I would watch the lecture, highlight, take side notes and jump in the MCQs. I would go read the particular section when I get a MCQ wrong and so forth. I did that for each chapter and took few progress test, here and there. I wouldn't really understand/read the explanations. Also, I felt like I was rushing and never left time to review. For one of my REG retake, I studied for a week and skipped b-law entirely and I ended up scoring 72 (71 previously). I had read each tax chapter and worked its MCQs and that was it.

    After 3 failed exams, I was depressed and kept crying. However, my parents and my siblings are so supportive. I had to jump back in, and start all over. I forgot I had taken these exams before and acted like it was 1st time seeing these material.

    I remember from previous attempts that I had to leave time for review, I understood better by reading rather than just watching lectures, reading explanations was important and taking notes on what I had gotten wrong was essential. I did all that in my retakes. I printed every question I had gotten wrong and kept doing them until the exam day. I reviewed my note cards and made some on my own. I read the book twice and did all MCQs/SIMs multiple times. I also supplemented Wiley testbank when I could.

    For both REG and FAR, I had many conceptual questions rather than calculations. Had I not read the chapters couple times, I would have never remembered those nitty gritty information. Reading the book really really came in handy, especially for my exam since it was mostly conceptual. Yes, I would have been still done well had I just worked bunch of MCQs, however, I didn't always had time to work all the MCQs from Becker AND Wiley…thus reading the book replaced having to work every MCQs from two testbanks.

    The way you know what you are doing isn't working is by seeing the outcome, by working multiple testbank and seeing whether you are still scoring well, etc…

    PS: Audit was hard for me, and I haven't taken BEC yet…just a disclaimer:)

    Journey to Fate

    thanks cpa!

    Right now this is my method of attack: Watched all the lectures and took insane notes. Now doing all the MCs in the wiley book and taking notes, re write all notes and do Test bank MCs until i cant do them anymore. Contemplating buying the cram for it as well. What do you think?

    This is my year to start passing some parts. thank you so much for the support.

    BEC- 67, 69


    Personally, I can't watch all the lectures and take intensive notes before working any MCQs. However, that is the NINJA approach and has worked for many.

    I bought REG Roger cram and didn't have time to use it in its entirety. Roger's lectures were great and it helped me understand one tiny topic that I couldn't understand in Becker…and that showed up in the exam:) But as far as the MCQs go, they are pretty much same as Wiley/Becker so that didn't help much. If you have extra cash laying around, then buy it otherwise Wiley testbank is sufficient. Invest that money in Ninja Audio🙂

    Make this your year:) I'm just starting to study for BEC and can't make myself study…ugh really really need to start.

    Journey to Fate

    @CPA – make small goals, i find that works best for me. Like – finish half of the first section today, do 100 MC's, etc. if you achieve those small goals, it feels that much better. Forget about yesterday and and move forward to today, its a new day and yesterday is in the past. Its your time to shine! you got this!!

    BEC- 67, 69

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