It's here!!!

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  • #159222

    Well, the big day has arrived and I’m finally taking my first exam (BEC) tomorrow. A couple of more cram studying and I’m done for the day—my brain cannot take it anymore!!!!

    Overall, I feel decent about my studies, but I’m always uneasy that I’ll get a test full of questions that I’m completely lost over. This, more than likely, will be happening. πŸ™

    I appreciate everyone’s help over the last month of studying….hopefully I’ll pull this one through.

    Just curious….when are these grades expected to come out?

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  • #258035

    Hey CPA Candidate… good luck tomorrow!!!! We're all pulling for ya!

    I just got my BEC results… I'm in a snail mail state, so just got them today. As you can see I passed.

    I'm sure you've heard stories about how someone thought they bombed a section only to get an 80, or felt they did well and failed it.

    Well, I can say that when BEC was done, I thought to myself, “I could pass or fail that and neither would surprise me.” Looking at my score, you can see I did just that. So keep in mind a few things for tomorrow:

    1. BEC is not adaptive… so your second section is predetermined, doesn't get harder… so if it gets easier or harder, it's not a result of how you did on the last section.

    2. IT job titles and descriptions.

    3. Equivalent units

    4. Budget Variance… I didn't get ANY questions on this, but many people told me to concentrate on it… I MASTERED it, but didn't get a question, frustrating.

    5. Micro and Macro Econ are only 8-10% of your exam. If you have a general understanding… you'll do great. Becker and Yeager beat econ to death, for no good reason. I only focused a few days on econ.

    6. Relax… you either know this stuff or you don't.

    7. There is a square root function on your exam calculator, so you don't need to worry about doing it old-school.

    8. Tell me to stop putting more points.

    Seriously… relax… put your NTS, 2 forms of ID, and a few flash cards next to your outfit for tomorrow… get up early and good luck!

    BEC - Pass 10/2010
    FAR - Pass 10/2010
    AUD - Pass 11/2010
    REG - Pass 05/2011


    Thanks so much 32CPA & Congrats!!!! I've always heard….it's either your test or it's not. I hope it's MY test tomorrow. All I want is a “75” b/c I've really put forth an effort in the studying.

    So, is REG next on your agenda?


    Exactly. 75 is all ya need! When I got my results today, I saw the word PASS before I saw the score… and didn't care! And when I saw it was a 77, my wife said… “looks like you studied too hard.” Kinda funny thinking of it that way. We're all wired to try and get A's and B's… but in this game… it's all about P and F. I hope you get a 75+!!!!!

    Yup… Reg is next…sort of. I am in the midst of AUD review to take on Tuesday (very very hard to concentrate with my new score report!). Then I'm taking the rest of the week off, then getting on the REG wagon. Hopefully, all I have to take in 2011 is REG!!!

    Tomorrow, come back on here and let us know how you feel you did! I think the best is indifferent… good or bad can indicate opposite things. Indifferent probably means you got my score!!!!

    BEC - Pass 10/2010
    FAR - Pass 10/2010
    AUD - Pass 11/2010
    REG - Pass 05/2011


    32CPA, well….indifferent is the verdict. The first four questions were so out of context that I wanted to throw the mouse—I literally asked myself what had I gotten myself into.

    There were some I had NO clue on and there were some I 100% know I got right. I truly don't think I passed, though. If I did…it's very close. We'll see. It’s just very discouraging to put in quality study time to get crazy questions. Trust me….crazy questions.


    My BEC exam was full of questions I had no clue on. Don't worry about it.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    The CPA test in general is going to leave you feeling like you're unsure how you did on pretty much all the tests. Don't make assumptions if you put in the quality study time.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    Potatogun, just about every post of yours I've ever seen seems like you might be my twin. Very similar scores, finished the tests around the same time, and same opinions regarding most things.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    I've taken BEC twice. Once in July, the other last Saturday. I didn't think I did too bad the first time but when I got my score I was totally shocked. Never in my life had I seen such a low score. I think the second time around I understood the concepts better but still could go either way. Just hoping for a 75 and to stay out of the 50s…they are a major blow to the confidence level! Here is hoping for all of us!! πŸ™‚

    BEC - 53, 67, retake 2/28/11
    AUD - 54, retake 05/28/11
    FAR - ?
    REG - ?

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