Is it True?

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  • #158016

    Is it true, at least for BEC, that the Becker practice exams are “harder” than the real exam? I just took the first practice exam and thought it was pretty difficult. Lots of little tricks and calculations I don’t remember them going over in the lectures/book.

    I take the test Friday, July 2…..oh boy..

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  • #233289

    I take BEC July 1st. It's my first test and really nervous about the calculations too. Especially the fact we have to use the simple calculator on the computer. Good luck though! At least after this one you only have 1 left! 🙂


    I just passed BEC and found that I was scoring about 8-10 points lower on the Becker exams than i did on the actual test. I was averaging in the low 70's on the test and ended up with an 80.

    BEC - 80
    REG - 74
    FAR - 72
    AUD - Waiting


    That's good to hear jhein. It seemed that the practice exam didn't have any of the easier calculations, like WACC, etc. For some reason I'm really having a problem with break-even. Most of the calculations on the practice exam seemed like they were budget-variance, which I plan on drilling tonight.

    Thanks for the input, and congrats on your 80!

    Bluecrush – Good luck tomorrow! Let's both nail it! At least we can take a little bit of a break and enjoy the July 4th weekend 🙂


    Good luck to those taking BEC this week. I found the Becker practice exams to be most difficult for BEC. I scored between 60-70 on both practice exams and an 86 when it mattered. I found actual exam questions to be a little more straight-forward. Go get it!


    I found the Becker practice finals to be harder than what I actually saw. I scored 14-22 points higher on the sections (AUD Becker – 80 AUD Actual – 94; BEC Becker 72 BEC Actual – 94).

    The Becker questions (homework and practice finals) tend to be more calculation intensive than my actual exam. They also make you calculate many of the inputs you need for the answer (BEC overhead variances come to mind) versus the actual exam where they give you the inputs you need (and more) and you just have to know which inputs to use and how to use them.

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