Hypothectical Scoring Question

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  • #164986

    Let’s say everyone taking BEC in 2012 checked “B” for every answer and left the WC blank, based upon curved grading wouldn’t everyone pass? Okay I have been studying too many decision making questions !

    Reg 11/15/2011 - 80
    Aud 02/28/2012 - 81
    Bec 05/31/2012 - 78
    Far 08/31/2012 - 83 Do you believe in Miracles, YES !!!

    CPA License received 10/2012 !!
    CFE License received 04/2013 !!
    EA License received


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  • #320415

    No, because the exam is only curved in the sense that the questions are weighted (some are worth more points than others) based on how prior candidates have done on those questions. I am pretty sure everyone would fail because you wouldnt get enough points to pass. You are still being compared to the test takers who took the exams in prior windows.


    The only thing that would do is guarantee that everyone would have gotten the same score if they took the same exam which we all know the questions/testlets are random and I would agree with minimorty that everyone would fail because there are standards to what constitute a passing score.


    Yeah, the way they curve these exams is rather mysterious. Obviously, if they curve the exams based on how others are doing in the same window, then the passing rate would be the exact same every quarter. But it's not. For example, in the 3rd quarter in 2011, the BEC pass rate was 52%. In the 4th quarter, the pass rate was 45%. Why the 7% decrease??? Only the AICPA knows. My guess is that it's the questions that are curved, not the exam as a whole.

    But really, there's no way to figure out how they curve these exams. All of us are basically speculating. So, don't waste time figuring it out.


    @CPAMan – The AICPA for the most part comes out and says how they score the exam. Whether or not you want to believe them is one thing, but they do tell us how (in a broader sense) it is done.


    Yes, they do tell us that exams are graded based on the difficulty of the questions. But I do believe that I read somewhere that the AICPA denies that this is a competitive exam. If what I read is true, then the AICPA is, in a way, trying to make this a bit mysterious.


    Read this: https://www.nccpaboard.gov/clients/ncboa/public/static/How_the_CPA_Exam_is_Scored.pdf

    Basically, each question is weighted differently based on its difficulty. Your score is based on the number of correct responses. Missed answers don't count against your score. Each candidate is first given a packet consisting primarily of medium difficulty questions. If you do well on your first testlet, then you are given a testlet with more difficult questions. The last testlet can consist of medium or difficult questions; depending on your performance on the second testlet. Thus, if you get medium, hard, hard – you are probably more likely to pass (unless you completely bomb the sims). If you get all medium, your chances of passing is reduced.

    There are several probationary questions in each exam that are not scored. Based on the response rate of these questions – they may/may not be implemented as standard questions in future exams.

    Also, I believe I read somewhere that if a question has a very poor response rate, it can be tossed (speculating)

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