How to get back into studying for a test you previously failed 2 mo ago

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  • #2485959

    Hi guys. I took BEC for the first time at the beginning of April and I found out that I had gotten a 74. Being that it was the start of a quarter and could not retake BEC right away, I moved on to REG. I just found out I passed REG and so now I’m starting to study for BEC again tomorrow. I have no idea how I should restart the study process after a 2+ month break from the material.

    Has anyone else had this problem? If so, how did you relearn the material to pass it on your next try?

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  • #2485962

    2 months off is a long time, lots of time to forget the important details.
    I'd probably start by reviewing each chapter in your book and then hitting the MCQs that correspond.
    If you do well move on to the next chapter, if you perform poorly then maybe re-read that chapter and continue hammering the MCQs.
    Use the MCQs to identify your weak areas and then focus your concentration on those weaker areas to improve.
    What was your score report like? 74 is so close.


    @Recked Yes, my score report showed stronger in MC, comparable in WC, and Weaker in Sims.

    I use Becker. I was thinking that maybe Final Review lectures and questions would be a decent way of refreshing my memory and then diving into the chapters in the main book much deeper? Should I do this first or do what you suggested first?


    Final Review could be a good place to start, but the devil will be in the details.
    It seems like you have a solid grasp on the concepts, or at least you did 2 months ago.
    I think the MCQs will be the push that you need to get across the finish line, but everyone learns differently.
    It seems the SIMs cost you the first time around so make sure you get some SIM time in.
    If you have a plan that you think will work, then go for it. I'm not familiar with Becker's program so I can't really comment on the specific course of action you mentioned.
    So close… you got this. Good luck!!

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