How is BEC Written Communication scored?

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  • #165064

    I am positive that Becker says that they aren’t graded on the accuracy of the answer but on your written communication skills. But a coworker of mine swears that they ARE graded on the accuracy of the answer.

    AUD: PASSED [81]; Expired, retaking August 23rd
    BEC: PASSED [83]; Expired, retaking July 11th
    REG: PASSED [83]
    FAR: FAILED [64]; Retaking May 23rd

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  • #320515

    Not sure where you got the information about Becker but accuracy is important and part of the written communication (from the AICPA site):

    Written Communication: The various skills involved in preparing written communication, including:

    • Basic writing mechanics, such as grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and sentence structure.


    • Effective business writing principles, including organization, clarity, and conciseness.

    • Exchange technical information and ideas with coworkers and other professionals to meet goals of job assignment.

    • Documentation:

    o Prepare documents and presentations that are concise, accurate, and supportive of the subject matter.

    o Document and cross-reference work performed and conclusions reached in a complete and accurate manner.

    • Assist client to recognize and understand implications of critical business issues by providing recommendations and informed opinions.

    • Persuade others to take recommended courses of action.

    • Follow directions.

    How they grade this part:

    6. How do you score the written communications responses?

    Most responses are scored by a computer grading program, which is calibrated using human scorers. In some cases, responses are scored by a network of human graders (all CPAs). If your score is close to the passing score, your written responses will be automatically re-graded by human graders. When there is more than one grader for a response, the average of the scores is used as the final grade.

    AUD - Passed:)
    FAR - Passed:)
    REG - Retake TBD
    BEC - Missed by 3 points Retake TBD


    That doesn't necessarily state that the written communication section is graded on the accuracy of the answer….

    I just watched the written communication tutorial on my becker CD and Peter Olinto specifically says that content is not what they are looking for it's the candidates written communication skills. The only thing they look for in regards to content is just the “ability to respond using the topic of the subject area they're involved in.”

    AUD: PASSED [81]; Expired, retaking August 23rd
    BEC: PASSED [83]; Expired, retaking July 11th
    REG: PASSED [83]
    FAR: FAILED [64]; Retaking May 23rd



    I will agree with your interpretation of the becker software. It almost seemed like they were saying “As long as you have an introduction, a few paragraphs, and a conclusion, and you dont say LOL, you can b.s. around the actual content.”

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