Not sure where you got the information about Becker but accuracy is important and part of the written communication (from the AICPA site):
Written Communication: The various skills involved in preparing written communication, including:
• Basic writing mechanics, such as grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and sentence structure.
• Effective business writing principles, including organization, clarity, and conciseness.
• Exchange technical information and ideas with coworkers and other professionals to meet goals of job assignment.
• Documentation:
o Prepare documents and presentations that are concise, accurate, and supportive of the subject matter.
o Document and cross-reference work performed and conclusions reached in a complete and accurate manner.
• Assist client to recognize and understand implications of critical business issues by providing recommendations and informed opinions.
• Persuade others to take recommended courses of action.
• Follow directions.
How they grade this part:
6. How do you score the written communications responses?
Most responses are scored by a computer grading program, which is calibrated using human scorers. In some cases, responses are scored by a network of human graders (all CPAs). If your score is close to the passing score, your written responses will be automatically re-graded by human graders. When there is more than one grader for a response, the average of the scores is used as the final grade.
AUD - Passed:)
FAR - Passed:)
REG - Retake TBD
BEC - Missed by 3 points Retake TBD