How do you manage waiting scores for your "last part"?

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  • #169851

    I took BEC last night and I am so nervous I could not sleep at all. I am at work today like a zombie. The thing is this could be a CPA closure or a nightmare (if I lose FAR). I have to wait until May-23 to see how I did. I am scare to say that I did better than last time, because usually that’s when people fail. I have mix feelings πŸ™ .. I used “buzz” words a lot in the WC. I think I nailed all problems . I discovered tricky mcq and was able to verified I answered correctly. I was blown away with the wording of Corporate G. questions. Those were the weirdest ones, those make me nervous. Also one of the WC was not completed as I wanted because I run out of time. I used tons of “buzz”” words in a med paragraph, that’s it.. that wc scares me too.. what if they grade that one and no the other two that are excellent ones (I think).

    Did I pass? how can I wait? I am dying inside. what if I did not? this could be my last part … I forgot FAR and now FAR has IFRS … I feel like I can get a nervous breakdown… How do you wait for scores on your “last part” ??

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  • #341518

    I am the master of waiting for the last part.. I have one regret, if I could go back I would have continued studying for BEC while waiting for my score, but I “felt so great” each time I took it that I thought I passed… of course I was wrong. Just keep yourself busy and distracted but also be prepared to remotivate yourself and get right back into the grind if needed. If I fail I am going to get personal tutoring and take a live course probably… you just have to step it up more and more if it's not working I guess. With that said, good luck on your spin of the roulette wheel, hope you passed.


    Distractions. Since you don't have to study anymore, just hang in here and give awesome advice πŸ™‚

    And do everything you wanted to do but didn't have time before.


    Just be glad you're not waiting last year. You would have been waiting a several weeks if not months.

    Bec 4/11/11 91
    Aud 7/11/11 75
    Reg 8/31/11 80
    Far 5/24/11 86
    Ethics - 98
    California Licensed CPA
    Illinois Registered CPA


    I'm doing what 75 said — all the things I haven't been able to do for the last year or so. Saw some friends, cleaned the house, refreshed my wardrobe, drank a few bottles of wine… But I'm still doing flashcards periodically. Half out of habit and half…you know…in case I failed…again. πŸ™


    I have to wait til next Friday and the anticipation is killing me. The days, hours, and minutes are going so slow.


    Certified: Hang in there!!! Every time I catch myself thinking about the score, I try to refocus my attention. I don't want to lose the precious little time I have with my family agonizing over the score…or at least that's what I keep telling myself. Over and over and over and over (you get the picture). <lol>

    I hope you can get some peace!

    Honestly, though, I've chosen the dates of the last two exams based more on score release date than anything else. I was going to re-take AUD at the first opportunity (4/1), but I knew I wouldn't be able to wait until 5/7 so took it the last day of the score window instead (4/20). And I'm taking REG on Mother's Day b/c it's the last Sunday (I prefer Sundays) in that score window. My Mother's Day present to my husband and child: completion of the exams (I hope)!

    @ Click, Certified, one and bcc: Best of luck! Luckily, we're not alone in our anticipation! :o)

    FAR: 11/26 81!! Thank you Prof. Hoyle & cpareviewforfree!
    AUD: 2/26 73*, 4/20 66 (AICPA approved free re-do: 8/12--waiting)
    BEC: 1/15 82!! Wiley & cpareviewforfree
    REG: 5/13 66, 7/22--waiting!
    (exclamation points due to the complete surprise of passing)
    *(left questions unanswered by accident) :o(


    thanks for the recommendations …. this process is like getting off medication or something… I am thinking taking CIA next, I started reading the requirements etc. one cannot just stop studying abruptly … it may be dangerous πŸ™‚

    I will clean, walk, watch movies with my kids, read Warren Buffett Way, get ready for CIA, , watch TV shows …. I must keep myself busy but I will not touch CPA material…. specially no BEC .. just thinking about it and stomach gets cold …


    Dude, just act like you passed and enjoy your life. Spend some time with your family and friends, take a weekend trip somewhere, go watch a ball game or a movie. Don't you dare think about touching your CPA books!

    If you failed, whatever man, it's not a big deal. But until then, try not to think about it. Forget this site. Just go have fun.

    BEC - 67, 79 - (expires 5/24)
    REG - 74, 72, 77 - Key to Passing: RTFQ
    FAR - 77 - Chance favors the prepared mind.
    AUD - 64, (5/14) - FREEDOM!! (i hope)


    Yeah I am waiting on my (potentially) last section for the second testing window……

    Hopefully I pass because if I dont, I lose FAR and I dont want that to happen.

    I just act like I dont have to study and go home right after work and try not to think about it…. I try to save the stress for when the scores are released and I am waiting for mine to be uploaded.

    good luck to everyone waiting on scores!

    FAR - 75 (Expires April 30, 2012)
    BEC - 74,74,69,83
    AUD - 72,65,70, 4/20 Last Score???
    REG - 69,84


    Smbundy13 you and I are in the boat. To me retaining credit for FAR is like achieving the entire CPA journey, I do not even want to write ” XXX expire April -30″ in my signature πŸ™ .. could lead to wrong idea… did you hear of “Visualization” ??

    Good luck CPA Candidates πŸ™‚ … I dislike the word “candidate”.


    @Certified, Yeah I have heard of visualization.. hope it works because I have been telling myself that I am going to get this grade back as a pass..

    FAR - 75 (Expires April 30, 2012)
    BEC - 74,74,69,83
    AUD - 72,65,70, 4/20 Last Score???
    REG - 69,84

    Uncle Chips

    I'm waiting on the results of my last exam and all I can say is that it's torture. I thought my mind would potentially be at ease knowing that I don't have to study again at least until I get the results back. Unfortunately, waiting on the score is constantly in the back on my mind, outside of the few hours I spent at the bar on Friday. I haven't felt any sense of relief whatsoever.

    Good luck to everyone waiting for scores.

    REG - 82 (10/28/11)
    AUD - 78 (11/22/11)
    FAR - 75 (2/29/12)
    BEC - 82 (4/20/12)


    Simple, be smart and chose the date closest to score release. I always take it a day before the last day of score release window. I am a little supersticious in that what if NASBA decided to bulk the 20th day with the next score release:[ which is why I registered for 19th of April πŸ˜€ not that its helping a great deal, I have to wait until May 4th (hopefully not 7th) and its killing me. Hang in there, and good luck on your luck of the draw. I'm waiting for my last one too and I know what you mean, that possibility of being liberated lol !!


    i went travel ! for a month…..


    I have to work I cannot go traveling just yet. BUT I will be in the Caribbean soon. As soon as I find out my BEC scores!

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