Has anyone ever cried? - Page 2

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  • #158991

    I am just curious, has anyone ever just starting crying during the test. I was taking BEC and was shaken up a bit after my 2nd testlet and I am NEVER remotely shaken during a test. These tests are beasts!


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  • #256233

    I never cried DURING exams but I cried bucket of tears AFTER each exams because I felt a burden has been lifted up off my shoulders.

    BEC 2/8/10 - 75 (studied hard & prayed less)
    REG 5/15/10 - 88 (studied less but prayed hard)
    AUDITING 8/9/10 - 79 (studied hard and prayed hard)
    FAR 11/30/10 - 79 (studied hard and prayed hard) Thanks GOD! I'm DONE


    Back in 2001 when I took the paper exam (along with 300+ other folks) I saw many grown people teary eyed coming out of the exam.

    I wanted to cry with joy after my last section.


    I cried when I found out I passed BEC (my first section). I cried after FAR. I started to fill in one of the tabs, but then I went on to the other tabs so my pencil turned blue and I realized 3 hours after the exam that I never went back and completed the tab, despite the fact that I finished the exam with plenty of time left. 🙁 I'm expecting a 74 or lower.

    BEC - 8/16 - 89
    REG - 10/1 - 94
    FAR - 10/25 - 86 (Didn't finish the sims)
    AUD - 11/22 - 88


    I've had a 17 second cry session for every exam and then I straighten up, get pissed and finish the damn thing. Then I'm a complete emotionless zombie after the exam.


    I just came out of the exam and the very first question made me cry.. After the 3rd question I took a deep breath breath and prayed a lot. I got stump in too many questions and Im afraid i didnt do as I had planned


    PR_CPA_2B, I will be there at metro office park Nov 18 for AUD (really understudied for this exam). I almost cried on FAR, so is not that bad. I left BEC smiling, hopefully that's not a bad sign

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    herbert7890, FAR is a twilight zone. When I finished the multiple choice I said to myself how easy they were. but when i saw the simulations, that made me cry. I even ended up leaving a part in blank completely and came out thinking i failed, but i passed. after that, i took business and came out thinking i passed, but i didn't. I felt the exact same way today! haha hopefully the result is different.

    good luck with audit


    I cried the morning of my BEC exam…. held back tears @ the exam & sobbed on the way home from the exam… Only to cry once again after receiving a failing grade… I can definitely relate 🙂

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