Failed BEC multiple times! - Page 2

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  • #156651

    This is my 3rd time I failed it again uhhhhhhhhh 🙁

    Although i was confident this time 🙁

    BEC 51, 69, 66

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  • #204379

    Great! Good Luck!


    It took me 4x to pass BEC…finally passed w/Yaeger on my 4th attempt (71,71,71,80).


    I concur with "Shel," the wiley book works just fine. Complete the Wiley book at least twice, including all MCQs and you should be ok. I recommend studying BEC over a 4 or 5 week period, so as to retain the information. I studied for 4 weeks with the Wiley book and had no problems with BEC. Hang in there guys, you can do it!


    I've taken BEC three times (70, 66, 74) and am now getting the Wiley book and the Yaeger Cram webcast. My previous software just doesn't seem to cover the material enough since I've read that book twice and get 95's on the practice tests. I'm hoping that Wiley and Yaeger can help put me over 75 this time around. If anyone has any other suggestions let me know.


    I agree with kabaroski's approach. I know I would have passed with the Wiley if I had more than 4 days to get prepared. My son was in a serious accident and after he came home I only had 4 days to get prepared. If I can pull a 70 with that mindset and 4 days to review then I think it is very possible to pass my next time around with a few more study days and a much better mindset.


    Here's my dilemma…I like to think I have an awesome study course. I've been using Exam Matrix which comes with tons of MC questions…more than Wiley. Part of me wants to purchase Yaeger BEC, but the other part of me wants to only purchase the Wiley book.

    Do you think that the Wiley book will be sufficient enough in breaking down the Fin Mngt section? I'm really pleased with the material and MC questions Exam Matrix has to offer but I need major help with Fin Mngt…more like a teacher. Kind of feel like I need Yaeger for the lecture part but unsure. That is where my trouble was…I didn't understand Fin Mngt to save my life which held me up from studying for the last 2 sections of BEC…had to cram and didn't cram well enough.

    Is anyone familar with Exam Matrix?


    Okay…I have an answer…I'm going to B&N to check out the Wiley Book!!!


    OH Jeff, I hope I pass on my 4th attempt too!!!!


    JEFF – do you still use your gmail account? I sent you an email 2 days pretty much about this topic and seeking your advice. Please let me know. Thanks!


    I used Wiley book and questions and Becker questions and got a 72% on both tries. This time around I will use the Becker book and hopefully i can pass. I am so tired of feeling like a failure! Has anyone studied for two exams at once? I am thinking of retaking BEC and doing Regs (for the first time ever) at the end of November but I am not sure if that is enough time to study for both! Does anyone have any advice for me?


    Same boat – the first time I took BEC I was far from passing. Since then, I have received 2 72's and 2 73's. I was using Becker. I just bought the Wiley/Yaeger cram. So far I am a fan – hopefully it does the trick. I would definitely recommend it out – wish I got on it sooner!


    Okay so given I have a study course already, which is pretty good, I just don't understand BECs Fin Mngt, would you recommend the cram? I didn't know if I should purchase the cram or full study course. I really need a teacher right about now.


    Same boat – the first time I took BEC I was far from passing. Since then, I have received 2 72's and 2 73's. I was using Becker. I just bought the Wiley/Yaeger cram. So far I am a fan – hopefully it does the trick. I would definitely recommend it out – wish I got on it sooner!

    not again,

    how is the yaeger cram working out and how is it different from the Becker lectures? I can't afford to get another 72% on this exam but im not sure if i should purchase gleim (which i used to pass audit before) or go with yaeger. Thanks!


    Just thought I'd echo that the wiley books and especially the CD are great. I used the wiley book for studying, the CD for MCQs and the focus notes as a review tool. All 3 are available on amazon at very reasonable cost-you can even get them used on amazon.


    I'm going to switch to Yaeger to see if that helps! I also have a Wiley book that I'm going to integrate.

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