Did anyone feel good about BEC but still failed?

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    I took the exam yesterday and I’m feeling a little paranoid about the exam. I found the exam to be easier than what I expected. I don’t know if it’s because I overstudied for this section or if the questions were tricky ones and I probably picked the wrong answers?

    I used Becker for my preparation and I was concerned after reading comments about Becker not being good in preparing you for this exam. However, I think Becker covered pretty much everything that was tested. There were maybe a couple of questions that I know for sure Becker did not cover, but I’m pretty sure no single review course will cover everything anyway.

    This is my second exam. I took FAR a couple of months ago and passed with 79. I ran out of time and could not finish the simulations and I was sure I failed. Now I’m worried that I think I passed BEC but maybe I failed 🙁 . I should say though that I did study harder for BEC than I did for FAR. Since my FAR score wasn’t good, I was so scared to fail BEC so I did study harder this time.

    I finished the exam and still had 30 minutes left. I tried to move as fast as I could on the first 2 testlets cuz I was expecting a very hard 3rd testlet, but I actually got an easier one. I know BEC is not adaptive so at least I know that the fact that I got a 3rd easy testlet doesn’t necessary mean I did bad in my previous 2 testlets.

    Definitely Becker’s MCs calculations are a lot harder than the actual exam. By the way, I made several pages of formula and memorized most of them. I think this worked out for me. Knowing the formulas makes everything so much easier especially because the questions in the actual exam are a lot more straight forward compared to Becker’s. In many occassions I just had to input the fact numbers right into the formula to get the answers.

    Anyway, I hope I passed. I felt very comfortable after the exam but now I’m freaking out. I’ll try not to think too much about it. I’m taking AUD next.

    FAR - 79
    BEC - 84
    AUD - 89
    REG - 02/05

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  • #255548

    I'm thinking you did okay 🙂 It's hard not to be paranoid about any section you take, but I'd try to relax and move on to AUD 🙂 and you were lucky that you feel like Becker prepared you for everything on there 🙂 I think sometimes it's a luck of the draw. I got quite a few IT problems I'd never seen before (I also used Becker). But as for the calculation problems you're totally right. Becker over-prepares. Maybe they want you to do REALLY well on those so you can miss a few IT problems! Ha!

    I'm sure you did great 🙂

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)


    I have a similar feeling about BEC. I feel like I should score in the high 80s but maybe it's to good to be true! haha. I feel like everything was covered in Becker besides some very random economics mcqs but that was outweighed by the easy calculation problems. I'm also going for AUD next, I feel i have to memorize everything for audit ( I have covered chapters 1 – 3 so far)

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    Wow, I didn't know BEC was non-adaptive! I'm sure you did fine – we're looking forward to your passing score!

    FAR: 8/5/2010 - 89
    AUD: 8/24/2010 - 92
    REG: 10/11/2010 - 94!!
    BEC: 11/30/2010


    Wow, gocpa. I am in the exact boat you are in! I walked out feeling like i had NAILED the BEC….evereything was so easy….and now i am second-guessing myself. There were a few questions that I scratched my head, thinking, “are they really asking me this?”. So I re-read the question, and sometimes i thought i picked up on something (found the trick) and other questions, i really think they were just that easy! I learned all the material and did my first review with Gleim. Then, when i was done with everything, picked up my Wiley stuff, and finished my last week of review with that. I kinda always got the impression Wiley was harder, so I saved that stuff for final review. I guess I'd feel like a real tool if i failed, but when i left the exam, it was kinda hard not to walk out with two fists in the air!

    Btw, I finished early, too–by 21 minutes. I think we both passed!

    Studying for FAR now….taking in November.

    FAR--89 !!
    REG--81 (shew!!!)


    Hey all,

    I am sure this has been answered a hundred times (I did try searching before posting and wanted to get a few more opinions), but are there experimental questions on BEC as well? I know there are on the other three, which makes it sound like a dumb question, but I seem to remember something being different about BEC. Definitely would love to have 15 experimentals after seeing some of those lame questions I just struggled through.


    FAR: Took 7/1/10 VA: 90
    REG: Took 8/2/10 VA: 96
    AUD: Took 8/31/10 VA: 96
    BEC: 10/10/10


    I am pretty sure there are experimental questions on the BEC. I found that there were 3 – 4 questions that i really had never seen before.

    FAR--89 !!
    REG--81 (shew!!!)


    Yes, there are pretest/experimental questions from what the AICPA has published regarding the tests' details.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    @gocpa, you said you did'nt had time to finish sims on FAR and you still passed. thats good for you. sims are my nightmare, especially writing section. I have FAR to take on Oct 14th and need time to look at my business english college book and go over memo and letter writing skills.

    Speaking about tests results, they are so unpredictable because I have witnessed it twice. So, no more I am making any guess about how I did on the test. Best of luck with your BEC scores.


    Thank you for the clarification! I'll just keep fingers crossed and put up with the month long wait now!

    FAR: Took 7/1/10 VA: 90
    REG: Took 8/2/10 VA: 96
    AUD: Took 8/31/10 VA: 96
    BEC: 10/10/10


    @tensors22288, Yes, there are pretest questions for sure. If I'm not wrong, there are 15 pretest questions.

    @mmp, I seriously didn't finish more than half of the simulations and still passed. I was convinced I failed. My advice for FAR is:

    – Leave enough time for each simulation. I was planning to spend about 50 minutes for each MCQ, and leave at least 45 minutes for each simulation. I finished the first MCQ testlet in 30 minutes and since I was planning 50 minutes per testlet, I went back to review my answers. Big mistake! My second and third testlet got harder and I wished I had those extra minutes I wasted in my first testlet.

    – If you are not that strong in simulations, try to do very well in MCQs. My performance evaluation showed I was stronger than average on MCQs and I think this is what helped me pass.

    – Make sure you work on BOTH written communications. They are worth 10% so if you are running out of time in the simulations make sure that at least you have worked on the written communications.

    – If you don't have time to finish the simulations, at least pick some answers from the drop down menu. Even if you do not get the right numbers I think you do get partial credit for filling in some of the answers from the drop down menu.

    – If you struggle with simulations, try to leave more than 45 minutes for each.

    Hope this helps and good luck!

    FAR - 79
    BEC - 84
    AUD - 89
    REG - 02/05


    @Florida_Candidate, I agree with Becker over-preparing you on calculation problems to make up for IT. I think the problem is that IT is so broad that no single review course can cover everything. But I felt that even though some IT questions were not specifically covered by Becker, just by having an overall understanding of the material, you could actually figure out the answer by process of elimination.

    Good luck with REG!

    FAR - 79
    BEC - 84
    AUD - 89
    REG - 02/05


    I felt the exact opposite walking out. There were a ton of things I had no idea on when it came to IT. I hope those were expiramental items, but they werent covered at all in the review!!!!!!!!

    BEC - 86
    AUD - 94
    REG - 88
    FAR - 89


    I felt horrible walking out of FAR/AUD & passed both of those. I actually felt good walking out of BEC so I'm waiting for some good results in the next 2 weeks. Hard to judge how you feel on how well you did, but I figure either way I still need to take Reg so I'm focusing on that. Good luck everyone.

    FAR - 87
    AUD - 88
    BEC - 88
    REG - waiting



    I retook the exam 2 days ago and the feeling is totally different compared to last time

    last time I failed with a 73 and i recalled that i knew i didn't pretty bad

    but this time i actually feel pretty good and easy, i would say many many times easier than the last one i failed

    while everyone of u says easy, i believe they actually made this exam to be an easy one and i also believe the avg will be pretty high for wave 1, which i hope it's not…

    Guys, I always remind myself, the easier the questions, the higher chance you make mistake, this applies on me, so I still don't put too much hope on passing =(


    I still pretty much believe what Becker says. The more time you put in, and the more miserable you are, the higher chance you will pass. I felt like I put a ton of time into BEC trying to learn the formulas, as much IT as I could take in, etc. With that said there were maybe 5 questions I don't feel like Becker touched on. I probably studied a week or two longer than was needed due to switching around section order and September being a non-testing month.

    Although going into it I thought I'd be cutting it close on time, once the actual exam got started I think the key is to actually take the time to read the entire question and really to determine the call of the question.

    Part of it is the luck of the draw also. Many people say BEC was out of left field for them and that less than half of the questions it asked were covered in their study materials.

    FAR - 87
    AUD - 88
    BEC - 88
    REG - waiting

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