CPA…well I purchased Yaeger 2011 material for BEC. I approached it like I had never taken the exam.
I use to make note cards but this time did not because I realized it took too much time and I felt like i was not benefiting enough from them.
So this time I retyped all my notes (like Jeff suggested) I actually did it twice. Well when I was listening to the lecutures I wrote notes, than at the end I went back and typed all of my handwritten notes and than I took my type notes and retyped the important areas or areas of struggle.
So this was my attack. I studied for 6 weeks. I think i logged about 110 hours. which some may say is a bit much for BEC but I felt like it was a good way to help ensure i passed
I think it was like 20 hours of lectures. I watched 10 hours of lectures in 3 days. On day 4 I reviewed all my notes. Took a break on day 5 and on day 6 did all the MCQs. Day 7 I redid the MCQs I missed. I did this for two weeks.
I retyped all my notes on week 3 days 1-3. On day 4 reviewed notes and day 6 & 7 redid all the MCQs.
For week 3-6. I just did as many MCQs as possible and reviewed my notes at least 3 times a week. On week 5 I did retype my important notes but did this on day 1 only.
AUD - 74, 82 | REG - 82 | FAR - 76 |Ethics -98
BEC - 71, 68, 81 (FINALLY DONE!!!!)
TN NTS 443####