BEC CPA Exam Scores: October-November 2009 - Page 59

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  • #212582

    Jeff – I just want to say thank you. This exam has literally been the bain of my existence. I started taking it in 2005 and found out tonight that I passed my last part. Finding out about this website took a lot of stress out of my life so I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciate your patience and understanding for those of us who have struggled for so long. Happy bday and Christmas to me!! I wish the best to everyone who is still in the process! 🙂


    Thanks Jeff for all the update……. Audit is next in my schedule…Jan 10th hopefully…..then Reg……congrts to everyone pass and those who didn't pass……keep try hard…..I will be taking my Audit exam for third time……Insha Allah I am not going to give up….no way……


    Congratulations to everyone that has passed.

    It feels good to be done. I wish everyone else luck!

    One thing I did that I found really helped (i hated studying tax in reg) was to record it on my mp3 player and listen to it all the time. I would record the flash cards and sometimes the chapters and listen to it while doing everything. I would have it playing all the time, while driving, cooking, cleaning, shopping, ect. Even if I couldn't give it my full attention I felt like I would still get something out of it because I would be more comfortable with the information and hopefully a gut reaction in the exam would actually mean something. Also it probably helped me to read it outloud when recording it.

    P.S. I also found that Becker multiple choice questions show up on the exam so do as many questions as you possibly can.


    FAR-87, REG-88, AUD-80, BEC-86 DONE!!!!


    How do you record study material onto your mp3 player? If anyone has a tip on how to add (becker) study material to a blackberry or car for the cd it would help, thanks!


    Gleim sells cd's for the car that you can listen to and actually do help. I got mine on ebay.


    I used the Gleim CD's too, and the Yaeger MP3's. They were both helpful, but I found Yaeger easier to listen to and comprehend, even though they are kind of annoying.


    Passed!!! 79!!! first one down. Now the countdown begins. 18 months to pass the next 3!!

    I'll Pass Eventually
    REG (67, 66), BEC (79), FAR (5/26/10), AUD (August 2010)


    Trust me glue,

    It seems like a long time, well it is not and it is….

    I waited and waited, lost BEC, then got motivated and then did all 4 parts in a year, took a windown off, but completed one per window….

    You will get there, 18 months is not that hard….

    I AM A CPA 🙂


    I've used the recording feature on microsoft onenote and looping the headphone output to the mic in to record becker mp3's. It helps if you like watching the vids w/ caps.


    Ohhhh my God…. I'm a CPA… Finally.. after 1 1/2 year…. I make it…

    Congrats to everyne who pass, and who didn't pass please don't give up….

    CPA Boricua….



    Congratulations……I just got my score to, an 84!!!!!! 2 down 2 to go…..everyone who didnt pass dont give up….KEEP MOVING FORWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    passed BEC in FL! still sitting tight for my REG score since Oct 12th. sadly i feel less confident about that one but at least i know that BEC in done!


    Passed with a 78…Finally done.

    Someday, here is how I studied and it worked well for me. I listened to the lecture, and then outlined then entire chapter, then did all of the questions, regular and supplemental, then I went back and outlined the chapter again for anything that wasn't sinking in, and then the week before the exam I did every question again. The repetition seemed like the best way to go, at least for me. Stick with it, you will pass.


    glutenator, I am happy for you! Congratulations!!

    FAR 86 | BEC 94 | AUD 90 | REG 85
    All done! used Becker


    I feel so calm today haha the day is almost boring without constantly checking for scores!

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