BEC CPA Exam Scores: October-November 2009 - Page 57

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    Congratulations to Everyone who passed!!!!

    As one who has received two 74's in a row, it sucks and it hurts, but keep at it and you will get it : )

    DON”T GIVE UP! You can do it!!!!!!! : )

    AUD: 79

    BEC: 74, 74, 76

    REG: Attended

    FAR: 02/10


    Thanks Zena…a little confidence can go a long way. It's nice to get a win under my belt before testing starts in 1st qtr 2010.


    I can't believe I didn't pass, this is my 4th time and I got a worse grade than the previous ones!!!!!!….I have been using Wiley books, any recommendations at all?!?!? this is killing me and I an loosing all hope of passing this test…. : (


    NJT congratulations…….


    89!!! IM DONE…. guys I gotta fill you in on my reaction to this score…

    About 10 minutes ago I gave my NASBA page a refresh while on the phoone with my boyfriend, and to my surprise an 89 poped out…. which caused me to scream and kick and punch (I get over exited) so much that I pushed my laptop from my bed to the floor, a cup of water was also on the floor, was spilled all over the laptop and the screen was going crazy!!! Since I was screaming of joy, laughing and crying at the same time, my boyfriend had no clue until I finally got enough air to tell him that I'd just drop my PC when I saw an 89! he instantly knew! …..aaaaahhhh I'm calm now, and my laptop servived! congrats to all the crazys who passed.

    sorry for the long story, just wanted to share.

    FAR 77; AUD 82; REG 80; BEC 89!

    IM A CPA!!!


    Finally a 76!!! Never been more excited ever!!! Finally, a CPA!!!

    Congrats to everyone out there!

    And if it wasn't the news you were hoping for, stick with it, it will come!!

    REG - 83*/84; FAR - 80*/75; AUD - 70/67/83; BEC - 63/72/73/76

    I am a CPA!!


    I'm sorry, glitterjess. I used Becker and have had good results so far. Perhaps the books alone are not enough for you and you could benefit from a lecture type material, like Becker or Yaeger. There may be others with instructors as well. Make sure you truly understand the concepts behind the material. Don't give up! Like Jeff was saying in a blog post, keep moving forward. You will eventually pass!! Good luck!

    FAR 86 | BEC 94 | AUD 90 | REG 85
    All done! used Becker


    glitterjess- are you just studying from the wiley books on your own or using a review program?


    79! YAY ME!!!


    lauren_cpa – loved the story! thanks for sharing!


    kgress84 – Congratulations and lots of respect for not giving up! Great job.


    thanks ppkate. it almost seems made up but its not… I am really exstatic!!! good luck to all!

    FAR 77; AUD 82; REG 80; BEC 89!

    IM A CPA!!!


    I am so relieved, BEC was really tough, I have used Becker for all tests and it has really helped. I have to study in bits and pieces with 4 kids, 3 of them teenagers. Will take AUD in summer once i am recovered from tax season. This site has been so helpful, didn't find until after my first test. Thank you so much Jeff for all of your information, very therapeutic while waiting for scores to post to not feel alone in the wait.

    REG 95, FAR 90, BEC (11/23/09) 85, AUD (2010)


    Pulled out an 81 on BEC. Still waiting on REG score from wave 1 (10/2).

    AUD & FAS after “hibernation” (aka tax season).


    BEC 68, 68, 64 and 73…..over 2 years studying with Becker. I really thought I did it this time, just to be 2 points away. I've lost Reg now twice and completely discouraged. If I don't get good news with audit tomorrow, I might give up.

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