CPA Exam Scores: BEC July August Wave 2 - Page 89

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    Well…I received my score last night. I am too afraid to check NASBA, so I make my sister do it and call me when she finds out. I will check the website when I am sure it isn't posted, so I don't have to see anything important. This is the second time my sister has called me with depressing news. The first time I got 60 on FAR and now I got a 72 on BEC. So I am back to studying FAR and am taking it in the first part of November, then taking a couple weeks and taking BEC again in the end of November. It would be different if I had at least one part under my belt, but I have none.



    Keep pushing. Its a bear; but you will get there if you work hard.



    Taken BEC 4 times and failed all 4 times. I've studied with Becker, have done the multiple choice, but seems everytime I get questions on the exam that I haven't learned with Becker. What other study program could I try because clearly it's not cutting it…

    BEC #1 67

    BEC #2 70

    BEC #3 68

    BEC #4 71

    BEC #5 ???


    I'm really sorry to say this, but if Becker can't cut it I'm not sure anyone can. Perhaps it's Peter's inverse relationship that's getting you? LOL. Either way, best of luck and don't quit!!!


    brla, Thanks so much for the kind words. I'm at home today trying to get over it. Thanks Jeff for the site, it helps keeping me sane.

    BEC 58… although I used Becker I skipped chapter 2, did not do the simulations, nor the supplemental questions. I guess there are no easy subjects, just less impossible ones.

    Good Luck to all and let's not give up!


    Also I only put like 40 hours and didn't prepared cards or anything like that, not even the highlights. I guess it could be misleading when you're told chapter 2 is only 8% to 12%. I remember there was more than this in the test I got. Careful guys no chapter should be left out.


    KT – House was interesting, but I liked it more and more as it went on. Glad he is gettin back to the hospital though!

    Sorry to hear – 74 is SO close. You have it next time, no doubt. I know how you feel, I got a 73 on REG and I think they do it to torture us! haha. But the good news is, when you are that close, all you have to do is tweak a couple things and you will be good to go. Best of luck to you!



    Does anyone know what is going on with the California BEC scores??? I still haven't received mine….


    DRbarber – check out the CA – BEC forum. They have posted some info that they squeezed out of the reps there.


    In my opinion, you have to be able to do IRR, NPV, and sales discounts in your sleep before you can feel comfortable about BEC. I studied aprox. 80 hours, felt very good about the exam, could do every MCQ in Becker's software and I squeeked out a 78.


    What's going on in CA? Not a single score release!!


    I agree with not leaving a section out – the IT section on the exam was suprisingly hard when in the book its very straight forward. I always do a simulated test before the real exam to see the score. If its over 90 then its sit time. For those that didnt pass keep your heads up! Its very rare to pass all sections on the first (or second) try! This exam is a soulsucking, party pooping test that we all hate dearly, but that is why passing it feels so good!


    Nikki: Thanks! Good luck to you too on REG! Then you are done- must be a great feeling to be almost done! Can't for that feeling

    I agree about him being back as a doctor! It was so interesting to see him as a patient though! & I also agree that they give us low 70's to tortue us- and to get a couple more hundred dollars from us! We are tortured enough being so close, and tortured again because the scores are at the biggest font possible AND we have to pay again lol this process stinks. (I think if you get lower than a 75, the score should just be size 12 lol)

    But, I am not upset- its just fun to joke about. Looking forward to passing my next two exams, then retaking this one, then taking a lot of time to study for FAR 🙂



    Does Jeff have any predictions about the next wave of exams (october/november)? I want to take BEC again, but I want to know when i would get the score exactly. Also, how do you change your long in password?


    Click on your profile, and go to "edit this information." At the bottom is where you reset your password

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