CPA Exam Scores: BEC July August Wave 2 - Page 88

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    LuckyShot…probably so. Wisconsin has some policy that they won't release online until all scores are in, so I've heard that most people get their mailed score before they show up online. Sorry….at least it's out there somewhere. I'm still waiting on AUD with no end in sight.


    Can s/o give me some advice I studied approx 2 hrs a night for BEC for two months. After waiting for a month and a half I received my score a 60 🙁 i was embarrased to tell my wife. I need some encouragement because at this point I feel like giving up!


    Last night I found out I passed BEC and I am finished with the Exam!! Congratulations to all who passed, it is a great accomplishment. To those that did not pass, I failed AUD and BEC in Jan and Feb of this year with 74's. I was crushed. I read this: and did everything in this article. It helped get me motivated to continue on. Thank you to Jeff for an amazing site, the overload of information, making some clarity of this whole process, recommend Yeager Cram and for truly caring for other candidates. Thank you to all who post, it is nice to have a place to come to be able to relate to others in the same situation. I have learned so much about myself through this process.


    Justa 75 –

    One thing that helped me a lot was studying for longer each time (i.e. 3-4 hours instead of 2). When I was taking notes or watching the lectures, it was all coming together much better when I read the whole chapter at once as opposed to breaking it up. If you have the time (even if it means later nights) I would definitely recommend putting more time into each study session.


    Justa75 – My saving grace for BEC was after each question I missed during review, write out why, and then when it came to the last week for crunch time, I would review those notes and re-practice only those select questions. Good luck. I just want AUD to come out….


    This is my 3rd time I failed it again uhhhhhhhhh 🙁

    Although i was confident this time 🙁

    I created new post for users failed BEC multiple times "Failed BEC multiple times!

    BEC 51, 69, 66


    Does anyone recommend the Yeager Cram for BEC? I'm trying to pass this section (since i just got a 74 on my third try)and I've heard that it helps boost your score. I'd like to know how effective it really is and how much homework you are able to do with the Cram. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


    Thank you swissbliss & MACPA for your advice….I'm not sure that i have 4 hrs a night. I'm currently working in a public cpa firm which doesn't really give me that amount of free time. I used Becker but i don't think that they covered a lot of the questions that was on the test…would you recommend s/t else or is Becker good?


    I used Becker and passed (second time), but Jeff strongly recommends Yaeger for BEC, it might be worth it for you to get it knocked out with that. I didn't have the time for 4 hours straight either, but I would spend one hour at lunch listening to a lecture, and then I would spend the evening doing questions or making note cards for review. I ended up getting 3-4 hours in a day, but then I would do 6-8 during the weekend.


    Just a quick question.

    From what point does the 18 month range start in which you have to pass all 4 sections?

    The earliest I was allowed to take an exam according to my NTS was 6/12/09. Do I have 18 months from that date or do the 18 months start at a different time?


    18 month starts from the first section you pass. You will receive paper showing your great and when it expired.


    no you have 18 months from the date that you passed your first exam….not the date you received the score for that exam, but the date you took and passsed your first exam.


    Technically speaking (if it matters), the 18 month clock starts on the last day of the month you sit. For example, I sat in April of this year and my NASBA sheet shows it expires 10/31/2010 – so they gave me the benefit of the rest of April. If I would have known that, I would have sat 4/1 so I could have 19 months:-)!!


    good point Seth. I forgot about that.


    BEC in OH if you look at my signature, I failed BEC with a 74 and I re studied with my bisk materials supplemented with BEC CRAM from Yeager. The result, I increased 4 points. So, I recommend it if you are close.

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