CPA Exam Scores: BEC July August Wave 2 - Page 87

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    77 on BEC in MA. I am done, so I wish a farewell and best of luck to all. Jeff, I don't know what inspired you to follow through with your enterprise after you were finally done, but I for one appreciated it as an outlet to vent with other like-minded individuals. You are a good guy. To all prospective candidates, just put in the time, you'll be fine. remember. cpa stands for Can't Pass Again.



    I appreciate the advice. Good luck to you all.


    On Audit I would advise to take FAR first if possible. I flew through the mc with ease, then I got to the sims and both sims tested me on GAAP not GAAS. I lost at least 12 points on my score from that. I was not happy. I have numerous people say the same thing after taking AUD.


    BEC 74. This is so depressing – I'm so tired of this test. Although, I can't wait to see the grade breakdown.


    yup anna! we can resume FARE study schedules…well at least try!! i kinda wanna celebrate tonight!


    Jeff can you please let us know what is going on in CA? Thanks!


    Just got my marks for Colorado: 75 BEC, 88 REG ….two more to go…..for those who didn't pass, keep going…this was my second attempt at both exams!!


    KT, did you get to celebrate and catch House tonight?


    Oh thanks to God, finally BEC is out. I got 76. So close. Now I am waiting for AUD.


    BEC 58 in NY, I'm so ashamed… I guess there is no easy subject. I dedicated only like 40 hours. I won't give up, I'm motivated more than ever, will dedicate 200 hours for BEC and I WILL PASS!!!

    Cheers for all of you who passed! and the ones who didn't I guess no one did worst than I did and will pass for sure next time.


    congrats to all who passed and good luck to those taking it again. i'm removing this website from my favorites because i'm DONE! 81 BEC and i'm out. thanks jeff for keeping me closer to sane the last 4 months.


    Wilberg – There is nothing to be ashamed about. You put your neck out there & started something few will ever understand how difficult it is. Congrats for trying. Just making it through the application, registration & CIA defenses at Prometric in order to sit for the exam is an accomplishment.

    No, there are no easy subjects to this exam, just parts that are less impossible than others. BEC has so much material that it is really a matter of hours you can put in. 40 might have been too few, 200 you should knock it out with room to spare. Some people might post how they only studied X amount of hours & how they had no troubles with it, but those are the exception & I would guess the luck-of-the-draw questions given for their particular exam helped also.

    Good luck to you.


    skico- YES! I did, haha actually House kept me together. I got a 74.. so not much celebrating but it was okay because I still had an hour of House left. & it was soo good! Congrats on your 87!


    Well, I received my BEC score last night in TN. I was unsuccessful. 🙁 Anywho, I hitting it again!!! I'm currently using Exam Matrix but my coworker brought me his Becker BEC book.


    Been watching these posts since last week so I decided to sign up since I finally got my BEC score last night. 71… This is the 4th time I've taken BEC and not passed – anyone have any suggestions??? Still waiting on FAR that I took on July 1!!!! Have AUD under my belt and expires in Feb. Had REG passed but lost credit due to my inability to pass BEC ugh!

    At least this site has kept me sane knowing there are other people out there in the same boat and some of the posts are pretty humorous!


    Still no score from Wisconsin?? Am I out of luck on the online score availability??

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