CPA Exam Scores: BEC July August Wave 2

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    Would Wave 2 consist of all results up to and including August 31?

    New forum looks great although there is an overabundance of ads on the post reply screen.


    Thanks for the head's up on the ads…I took care of it…modifying theme code is still a new adventure for me.

    Yes – Wave 2 will be all Wave-1 eligible scores not received in Wave 1 + the exams taken August 8 – 31st.

    Basically, all scores remaining will come out in Wave 2.


    9 days left to find out if I actually passed one!!! The wait is going to kill me. I love the new forum. This is really nice. It's like being a kid and getting a brand new coloring book!

    Thanks Jeff. You are awesome!!!



    wow Kricket those are some painful scores; I hope you pass this one BEC is hard though it has a lot of FAR overlapping in it


    I'm trying the two test at a time approach this time. I'm waiting on my BEC score and studying for FAR. Hopefully I passed BEC and can move on to AUD. I agree that no one ever asks for your scores. I wish they just gave out pass/fail and then gave you a breakdown of your score on the Score Report. Sometimes I think it would be a lot easier to deal with.


    I totally agree that they should just do a pass/fail grade. What is the point of the score, really? At least 73s or 74s s/b illegal!

    Kricket, I know you've got it this time, from what I've seen you've got a good plan and study methods – and Yaeger! C'mon mid-September!!


    Agreed on the 73's and 74's being outlawed. It was pretty much a swift kick to the junk when I saw my 74…hopefully my results are better on BEC than on REG.

    REG- 74, retake 10/17

    BEC- waiting..


    AUD- 11/14


    they use to be……….from what the oldies have said

    well I am doing one Yaeger video a day for FAR…it is hardcore but from my experience you are better going fast then dwelling on topics

    come November 2nd I will complete this crap and move on with my life……………….if I can do it you can to just do not give up and never surrender your dreams

    like tupac …against all odds…….I know…of all ppl but it is good advice for this process


    Ahhh, I am getting so nervous for next week. This will hopefully be my last part. I REALLY hope I passed.

    REG- 79

    FAR- 80

    AUD- 85

    BEC- ?


    I am waiting BEC, which is hopefuly my last exam. I am preying for 75


    7 days to go and I have the flu! This isn't a good sign. Luckily it's just the plain old regular flu and not H1N1. This has been a pretty scary 24 hours waiting on that test result. It's also not helping with studying for FAR again.


    Argh – I sincerely hope it's not H1N1!


    It's not. Just a common flu bug. No swine flu here, but the wait on the test results was pretty scary. They made me pull my son out of school just in case.


    Good Luck to everyone waiting on their scores. I'm so anxious and scared to receive my BEC score. I really did not feel good about that test when I walked out of the testing center. AGH!


    I'm just ready to get it over with. The closer to the release date the worse I feel about it. I got a 66 the last time so as long as I improve, I guess I'll feel alright about it. It sure would be nice to pass one!

    Good Luck to everyone.

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