Conquering BEC & scheduling the next exam

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  • #172237

    Hey everyone,

    Happy Friday! I am about to finish the MCQs for the last module of BEC this weekend. I plan on getting the Wiley book to practice more questions since many people have suggested that Becker is not enough to confidently take down BEC and I do not want to re-take it. Aside from the Wiley test bank, what else should I be looking at? I have heard that Becker does not cover the COSO & ERM material to the extent that it is tested on in the actual exam so what would you recommend as a supplement to learn more about these topics? I also find that the IT section is kind of you either know it or you don’t, and since I don’t have all that much of an IT background where should I turn to learn more about it- specifically information that is CPA applicable.

    I plan on taking the exam on July 13th, but I am wondering what I should tackle next. I have a two week vacation setup for the last week of August so which exam should I try to fit in, in about a 4-5 week period? REG or AUD?

    Thank you, as always! 🙂

    FAR 4/9/12- PASSED
    BEC 7/13/12- PASSED
    AUD 8/16/12- Ughhh 71, Rematch: 90!!!
    REG-12/6/12 PASSED

    USC MAcc- Fight on!

    They say good things come to those who wait, but only those things that are left by those who hustle.

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  • #355056

    My friend used the Gleim testbank to supplement Becker on her re-take, she scored on the high 80's. I'm planning to take BEC for my first section (Oct), definitely adding more ‘coz she said a lot of the MCQs caught her offguard during her first try. I'm still in the process of having my transcripts assessed and taking a class on partnership tax (is it doable while reviewing for BEC and working full-time?). Would it be a good strategy to have gone through all the videos and hmwks, before attending the live classes?

    Becker 2012, NINJA notes


    You're moving at an awesome speed. I still need to move past B1…so lazy:(

    Anyways, I think Becker and Wiley combined should be sufficient. I heard getting more than two testbank isn't always helpful. Master Becker & Wiley, and I'm sure you'll be fine!!

    As far as the next exam goes, I would squeeze in AUD. AUD has 6 chapters while REG has 9, so I believe AUD will be easier to conquer based on quantity.


    I can't answer much regarding how to prepare for BEC since I'm on the same boat as you, but I recommend studying AUD if you have 4-5 weeks. I set about 6.5 weeks for AUD and I was pretty much ready by the end of week 4. The content of AUD is much easier as there are no calculations when answering MC. So getting through the homework and practicing MC should be very quick. You could answer 100 practice questions in about 40 minutes. You can get through the lectures in 3 weeks and spend the next 1-2 weeks hammering away at the MC. Good luck on BEC!


    Thanks for the advice! I think I will go with Audit since it seems more doable and I don't want to just sit around for a month without being productive. Well, actually, I would love nothing more, but am paranoid about running out of time in the future!

    @Dualmatrix, you're taking the exam a day before me! How is your progress going so far and what are you doing about COSO/ERM since I'm sure you've seen people mention on the forum that they got a lot of questions on the topic that they had not seen before.

    FAR 4/9/12- PASSED
    BEC 7/13/12- PASSED
    AUD 8/16/12- Ughhh 71, Rematch: 90!!!
    REG-12/6/12 PASSED

    USC MAcc- Fight on!

    They say good things come to those who wait, but only those things that are left by those who hustle.


    audit. it is all relates. call it 1 topic. reg is 2 topics, tax and law. audit is easier to do in a compressed time period.

    Bec 4/11/11 91
    Aud 7/11/11 75
    Reg 8/31/11 80
    Far 5/24/11 86
    Ethics - 98
    California Licensed CPA
    Illinois Registered CPA


    I'm hoping the Wiley Test bank will be enough for any COSO/ERM that Becker didn't cover. I also read the same about IT. What's nice about the test bank is that they have a a link to text option for each question just like Becker. It's not quite as good since you can't scroll through pages and it only contains limited information, but I think it'll be good enough.


    I find the COSO/ERM stuff difficult to remember based on how it's written in Becker, it just seems like a lot of vague concepts that I'm sure will have very detailed questions. I spent my study time today hand writing outlines of the COSO Framework and ERM just in hopes of trying to understand it better. Haha its like theres an acronym which includes five different acronyms to remember. I purchased the Wiley test bank yesterday so I'll get started now that I'm done with Becker. Still have a lot of it to learn and commit to memory.

    FAR 4/9/12- PASSED
    BEC 7/13/12- PASSED
    AUD 8/16/12- Ughhh 71, Rematch: 90!!!
    REG-12/6/12 PASSED

    USC MAcc- Fight on!

    They say good things come to those who wait, but only those things that are left by those who hustle.

    Journey to Fate

    @mg: im tackling BEC at the end of next month and then going back to audit as well… have you considered grabbing one of the crams (i.e. wiley cram or becker final review) – they might add those few extra points. Good idea purchasing the wiley test bank that will be an excellent supplement!

    i do the same thing on the ERM/COSO stuff and i think writing the outlines definitely help you understand it better, rather then just memorizing facts.

    Good luck it sounds like you are on your way to being halfway done!

    BEC- 67, 69


    I have to say that I feel much less “panicky” about BEC than I did FAR. While I'm still putting in a ton of work, I feel like it's so much more manageable than FAR where I would get sick just thinking about taking the exam lol

    FAR 4/9/12- PASSED
    BEC 7/13/12- PASSED
    AUD 8/16/12- Ughhh 71, Rematch: 90!!!
    REG-12/6/12 PASSED

    USC MAcc- Fight on!

    They say good things come to those who wait, but only those things that are left by those who hustle.

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