BEC CPA Exam Score Releases: July/August 2010 - Page 125

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  • #157976

    This is for people taking their exams in the July/August 2010 testing window.

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  • #251477

    Anyone recieve scores for BEC under D.C.? …I haven't recieved my scores yet, I sat for BEC August 31.


    I am in NC and received my scores last Friday. Got an 85 woohoo! One down 3 to go. Taking AUD in November.


    Ms.CPA you get your scores yet?

    FAR: 7/17/10 missed exam FML reschedule 8/29/10-77 EPIC!
    REG: 5/31/11-73 SMH, 8/31/11-85
    BEC: 4/15/10-72 : retake 10/3/10-80
    AUD: 11/28/10-74, 02/27/11-71 FML, 8/1/11-80
    Ethics 10/22/22-80, retake 11/28/11 - 88


    I was wondering if someone could help…..maybe Jeff

    I took BEC on August 31st of last month. On Sept 16th NASBA tweeted that 11565 BEC scores were released. I live in WV (non nasba site)………I called by board today and they said they still havent even received anything. I guess what I'm trying to find out is are there more BEC grades that need released? It's been the since the 16th that any BEC scores were released, I assume those were all of them.

    This is my last section and since spots are filling up fast for next window I'm needing to know if I passed or not.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    GSU Josh

    Wow, looks like y'all are the three BEC scores that were released today. I don't think I've ever seen them release a small handful like that, just twelve scores today. If you're NASBA states, I'd look for the scores tomorrow night. If you're early bird, you'll see it in the morning. Looks like there's another benefit to scoring well above the pass mark.

    AUD - 74, 87; BEC - 84; FAR - 78; REG - 79
    It's done, Son!


    lol actually I think the board may have lost my score. I emailed NASBA and they looked up my exam id and said they sent my score SEPTEMBER 16th lol. They said they would send it again. Then my board emailed me last night saying it was mailed out so probably today or tomorrow.


    @JohnSignore1313: Which email address did you use when you email NASBA? Thanks!

    I took exam on 8/29 and have not received score yet.

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