BEC Trending @ 69% (test next week)

  • Creator
  • #2228235

    Hi Everyone,

    Please help me. I need some guidance.

    I previously took BEC and passed it before the SIMS were added. But, I was dragging my feet and ended up losing it. Now, I have it scheduled for next week and I do not feel 100% ready. I usually gauge my readiness by my trending score, so I’m really nervous. It doesn’t help that my NTS is expiring next week, so I’m not in a position to reschedule it to the end of the window. At this point, I’m prepared to continue studying. However, I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a part of me that wants to just take it next quarter. Ugh! The fact that I told myself I would sit for at least two exams per quarter makes me very angry with myself for not being able to recall some of this information. What should I do?

    I'm tired of operating in fear and mediocrity. It's time to try. It's time to do. It's time to go.

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  • Author
  • #2228271

    Take it and see how you do? Worst case is a retake. Best case you pass.


    Whether ready or not, and nts is expiring, you def. should sit for it. You should take a look at the AICPA sample BEC if have not done so already. I think it will help calm your nerves just to be able to practice that at least. Also, since you still have a few days left, did you re-do some MCQs that you feel like you are having hard time recalling? Personally to look at MCQs the 2nd time around really builds up my confidence.

    Anyhow, best of luck! I sit for mine in March, so best of luck to me as well lol

    FAR: 76
    REG: Currently studying


    I was trending around 65% before BEC. I got an 82

    Jimmy Dugan

    Just sit for it and see what happens. I've never really felt good about it going into any of my exams and always get scores that are 10-20 points above what I was trending. Have to keep in mind that substantially all of the questions in any test bank (possibly with the exception of Gleim) are retired exam questions and I feel like some are retired simply because of the difficulty level.

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