BEC Tomorrow – 1st Exam

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  • #157248

    So, first test is tomorrow. I’ve been using the NIU CPA Review courses and Gleim. Getting 70-80% on average on Gleim practice tests. I dunno though, I’ve been reading this forum and am expecting BEC to throw some curve balls tomorrow! I feel confident enough, but I’ll come back and report if I feel like I got the wind knocked out of me. It’s going to be a long couple weeks waiting for those scores.

    (IL) / BEC - 81 (2/20/10) / AUD - 94 (4/19/10) / REG - 86 (5/24/10) / FAR 96 (10/18/10) / DONE

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  • #217593

    Good luck!


    Thanks Dale! Just finished, and for all I know I could get a 60, or a 90. What a wacky test.

    (IL) / BEC - 81 (2/20/10) / AUD - 94 (4/19/10) / REG - 86 (5/24/10) / FAR 96 (10/18/10) / DONE


    so I take it on 3/6. Can you give me any advice on the best way to spend my time until then?

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    I'm taking BEC next week as well. Spill the beans (within acceptable guidelines off course).

    I'm suffering with some of the more calculation-intensive overhead variances. Would you say that you had a ton of heavy calculation questions or more on the theory side.

    Also, what was your opinion on the depth of the IT questions?


    I'll just say that everyone is different. Some people have to take this test 5 times, others pass 1st time. Know your IT, know how to calculate variances. IMO the hardest part is reading the question and not missing something and eliminating the distracting info, watch the dates and eliminate the stupid answers, manage your time, you know the drill!

    What I did during the exam was go through all the questions and answer the ones I knew 1st and went back to the rest. That way if I ran out of time I'd be guessing on the things I didn't really know well rather than vice versa. I also try to read the question as if I were reading aloud to someone, it really helps me understand what the question is looking for.

    And lastly, if you haven't done so already, try to schedule 2 exams per 2month testing window. I usually try to get the 1st day and the last day of the window so I can max the review time in between sections. That way you will maximize your chances of retaking the exam during your 18 month window, and you can retake (both if needed) in the very next window! I actually scheduled all four parts on the same NTS just for that reason, no way am I letting a section expire and lose the credit. Good luck!

    MASS - BEC 79, AUD 75, REG 80, FAR 71 FEB'10, FAR 71 JUN'10, FAR NOV'10 77 and I'm spent...

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