BEC Study Group Q4 2021

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    Studying is rough! Trying (for the 4th time) to pass BEC! >:(

    Hold Steady

    I'm on BEC as my last section to pass. I've finished all chapters in Roger and feel decent about the conceptual topics. COSO, IT, Econ. Financial management and cost accounting are roasting me, though. I passed BEC fresh out of school ~4 years ago and now I'm back for round 2 and I just don't remember it being this frustrating back then. Am I overthinking these ratios? I know ratios are definitely going to be on the exam, but how much hair should I be pulling out over these? Should I memorize the more common ratios and move on to focus on cost accounting & variances?


    After almost 30 years of completing my accounting degree, I am making a bold attempt to pass the BEC part of the CPA exam by Jan of 2022. I feel confident that I can do it with the Ninja system. My problem is trying not to let life get in the way. Thanks for reading my post.


    Starting the process all over again! I passed BEC and AUD last year and could not pass FAR and REG within the timeframe so I lost credit for both BEC and AUD. I'm totally frustrated because I was so close (I got a 73 on both FAR and REG!), but I am determined to get this done.


    Wow! That must be very upsetting, but at the same time super motivating. I’m sure you will do it this time!


    This is my first week of study for BEC and I feel super confident that I will pass it in Jan. I’m reading, intense note taking, and listening to the audio. My only issue is having 4 hours of study time per day. It’s difficult with work, family, volunteer work, exercise, and other obligations. Today I was able to wake up at 445, but I spent an hour tracking my weight and exercise goals. SMH! I’m determined to get better at getting all 4 hours in per day.


    I'm studying for BEC. I'm struggling with Variance Analysis, but I will continue to read my notes. Good luck Everyone…..


    Thanks! I'm very motivated to get it done this time. It will certainly help with my career and I'm ready for this all to be over!


    Has anyone done a 4-week cram session? That's my goal and I feel confident about it.


    Excellent stuff. I appreciate the time and effort you put into this forum to help us wannabe CPAs. Thank you.

    Hold Steady

    I took BEC yesterday. I don't really know how to feel about it. This is the last section I have left to take and I felt more awkward walking out than I did with the others. For the MCQ I flagged maybe 10 on each testlet that I was very unsure about. I feel good about the SIMS, though. They were so much more manageable than FAR or AUD. I don't know how to feel about the written communication… This is where I felt like I was just rambling and making up things as I went along. Hopefully I locked in enough key words.

    I guess I have to keep studying until Jan 11th in case of a re-take.


    SURPRISINGLY, when I have time to study, I retain the information. So I think I am anyway. However, my study hours are terrible. I have four weeks left for my exam, and I plan to make use of the holiday time to hunker down and study at least 6-8 hours per day.

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