I just had my first crack at the BEC exam this morning and for once I thought the simulations actually went pretty good. I was kind of unsure about some of the multiple choice questions, but overall I thought it went OK.
I would like to take a moment to offer two pieces of advice to anyone who has not yet taken the BEC exam or anyone who plans to take the CPA Exam in the future. First, if at all possible, if you have any say in the matter whatsoever, save BEC for last if you can. I saved it for last for a different reason than this, but as I went along in the Gleim study materials I found that there was a lot of stuff that got revisited from AUD, FAR, and REG, and I was able to save a LOT of study time as a result.
The second thing is something that my Gleim counselor had warned me about that did indeed happen this morning. She had told me about a month ago that either this year or last year NASBA started putting written communication tasks on the BEC exam that pertained to material that is actually covered in the study materials for one of the other sections of the exam and not BEC. This was the case with TWO of the three written communication tasks I was given this morning.
AUD - 83 (Feb 2014)
FAR - 84 (May 2014)
BEC - 78 (Oct 2014)
REG - 72 (Aug 2014), 76 (Nov 2014) DONE!!!!