BEC Study Group – Q3 2018 - Page 2

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    I am on Chapter 7, so haven't gotten to the Calculation intensive MCQs yet. I used Gleim for both CMA tests and passed both first shot. It definitely does a good job covering those topics. I've found Gleim MCQs to be more challenging than FAR, AUD, and both CMA exams so far.

    Have REG scheduled for 8/21 and hopefully will be done.


    @jsdailey Me too. Same with hedging and derivatives – always trip me up. It's like standing on your head and walking backwards.


    does anyone have a list of all of the formulas that we should realistically know/”memorize” for BEC?


    Does anyone really understand BEC? I am on Ch2 using Becker, and I have no grasp of the material so far. This is starting to concern me. The multiple choice looks like foreign to me, and I am averaging 55%… Also so the material and calculation are so boring and not interesting I don't know..


    @cpannoying, I felt the same way when I first started studying for BEC. Keep going. It will come together.


    @cpannoying, don't worry about it, just keep going. I foolishly assumed that BEC was going to be the “easiest” material because it had the highest pass rates. I can honestly say BEC was my least favorite section hands down. I think it was because I had zero background in most of the stuff. As a positive, it has much less material than REG or FAR.


    For Jeff's giveaway: πŸ™‚

    Taking BEC mid July
    Cost accounting is my nemesis
    A study tip that's worked for me – I try to study at the same time every day to keep my mind, focus and timing consistent, and I switch up between methods every hour or so (eg notes vs mcq) to keep from getting bored out of my mind.


    For Jeff's giveaway:

    Taking BEC July 13 (unfortunately it is Friday the 13th)
    My biggest concerns for BEC are either under prep in IT and foreign currency
    A study tip that worked for me is to utilize times when I can focus the most. I find it inefficient to my life to try and study at certain times (i.e. I am not a night time studier as I am mentally drained from my day or if I have a pounding headache or miscellaneous life I tend to find it inefficient to try and force something that I am not mentally in the zone for learning).


    For Jeff's giveaway:
    Taking BEC early July.
    The topic that scares me most in BEC is Economics.
    After picking a CPA prep course (primary and secondary review material) that works best with your lifestyle and studying habits, makes sure to cover 100% of (at least) the primary review material before taking the final test. If you can also finish 100% of your secondary review, that would be GREAT!
    Having finished my primary prep course before taking the plunge at Prometric Center gave me the confidence I needed to kill my nerves on the actual test date.


    I'm giving away 20 NINJA MCQ Memberships (1 month) … 5 per exam (5 BEC, 5 REG, etc).

    To Enter – Post in one study group (for the exam you're taking next) the following:

    When are you taking your exam?
    What exam topic keeps you awake at night?
    One study or career tip others might find helpful.

    That's it πŸ™‚

    20 Winners … 1 (one) month of NINJA Monthly … you may enter once (but keep posting in the Study Groups … that's kind of the point of the giveaway – to fire them up during a Blackout Month lull πŸ™‚

    You'll get all of the NINJA Monthly benefits … Book, MCQ, Notes, Audio, SIMS, videos, private study group, etc. If you're already a NINJA Monthly member – good news – you'll get a free month when your subscription renews – we'll just credit you.



    Hi everyone!

    I had given my self a 4 week period to study for the exam but I'm beginning to think that one month is not enough, can anyone recommend the best routine to prepare for the BEC exam and how long to study? Also has anyone ever taken the BEC and REG in one sitting or is that not smart?

    Thank you!


    For Jeff's giveaway and out of complete desperation.

    I stink at studying. Let me just lay it out there.

    When are you taking your exam? – July 30
    What exam topic keeps you awake at night? FORMULAS!?!?!?!!?!
    One study or career tip others might find helpful. MCQs – do them and be excited when you miss one or guess b/c that means you can learn more.

    I need help. I can't do this — pretty sure NASBA laughs when they see my name on the exam list.


    I am taking my exam on July 12.
    The topic that keeps me awake at night is IT.
    One study or career tip others might find helpful is make sure you take the practice simulations!


    Hello – my name is Pronce Greene. Im a Califonia resident and will be taking the BEC exam July 14th. Im taking an unorthodox approach as this will be my forst exam and I have scheduled the remainder of my exams to conclude in November. The exam process in general keeps me awake – but I would say so far BEC is just a refresher for econ. The career tip I would give would be to pursue your dreams as soon as you can don’t put it off till you get a career – a career will pose challenges to your time that you can’t necessarily calculate.


    1. September 2018
    2. Derivatives and Working Capital Management
    3. Study tip – Keep revising the topics again and again and do test yourself. This has really helped me in my CPA exams.

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