BEC Study Group – Q3 2018 - Page 15

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    I appreciate the input. May i ask which study programs you used? Your scores are very impressive to say the least. That study program must have been effective or you are simply a genius.


    Hi guys. I hate to say that I'm back, but I only got a 71 on the exam so here I am. My score report pretty much told me that I bombed the SIMS. I was stronger in MCQs, comparable in WC, and weaker in SIMS. I bought Ninja Monthly yesterday to supplement the Wiley material I originally used, and I guess I'll just sit for it again in a few weeks. As much as my results sting, I knew going in that I was not 100% with the Cost Accounting material so that will be my main focus. & SIMS!!


    @HaiNinja, I used Becker on all of my exams. I read the textbook and then answered MC questions. Anything I missed I would go through and make sure I understand why I missed it. In the review stages, I took lots of practice tests to hone in on weak areas. Personally, I never watched lecture videos, did skills practices, or placed much emphasis on practicing SIMs. To me understanding the material is the best way to succeed at the CPA exam. If you know MC answers well enough that you can explain why the answer is right instead of just which answer is right, you should have no problem applying this knowledge on the SIMs. I did all of the MC offered for all sections.

    Also, on BEC it is important to know the format you are expected to answer WCs in.


    If anyone has taken the BEC exam recently and used Becker, did you find it to be sufficient for the IT and corporate governance questions on the exam? I've heard that Becker has under prepared people for those two topics (especially IT). This is my final test, so I'm going pretty hardcore with studying, but can't decide if it's worth it to get NINJA for just a few weeks…


    I'll put my two cents in even though I used Wiley and not Becker. I've been pretty solid on these exams but had a lot more trouble with BEC for some reason. I put in more time and effort than I did with REG and AUD because of my lack of knowledge in the tested areas and still failed with a 71. I was COMPLETELY shocked. I bought Ninja this week and am only a few days into the program, but there is a TON of information on topics that were barely covered in Wiley. I have yet to come across a question that I remember from the Wiley study guide. Have you taken the practice exam on the AICPA website yet? I'd maybe start with that and see how you do. If you don't feel prepared enough after taking the practice exam, I'd definitely look into Ninja. It definitely won't hurt to have extra study material if you have the time.


    Thanks for the advice! I'll have to check out the practice test. It sounds like a lot of people have been saying that BEC is harder than expected. I purposely scheduled it last because people said it was “easy” lol. I guess hindsight is 20/20


    @Talknerdytome From reading your posts, we are kind of in the same boat as far as test we have passed and haven't passed. How are you planning on taking BEC and FAR in Q4? I'm still wondering how much time I should give myself to study for my retake of BEC. I also 100% agree with you about studying for BEC vs REG and AUD. I found BEC to be very difficult. I work full-time so I study at night and for REG and AUD it wasn't easy but it wasn't nearly as bad as BEC. It's almost like BEC only made sense to me when studying on the weekends with a fresh mind.


    Hated BEC the most…..Not gonna lie….


    @Bronco33 Our grades and study schedule definitely sound about the same. I work full time too and only have nights and weekends to study. I'm only taking both in Q4 only because my NTS for FAR will expire if I don't take it in December. I sat for BEC in early August and moved right into FAR. Only made it 40% through the study guide when I found out I failed BEC and had to put a hold on FAR for right now. My plan is to slam Ninja MCQs and SIMS for a few weeks and try to sit for BEC again ASAP. Just waiting for my NTS. I'm praying that a few weeks of Ninja will be enough to get me at least a 75 on BEC and still have enough time to be prepared for FAR. It's so disappointing to only miss by a few points, but I think we should have it next time around.


    I was really hoping to be done with the exam before the end of the year, but there is no way that will happen now. I work in public accounting so it would have been great to be done before tax season. I believe I'll pass BEC when I take it again, I'm just not sure how much time I should give myself to study for it and how exactly to approach it. I'm on the fence as to whether I should purchase Ninja for extra MC or not.

    Lauren G

    Does anybody have a good list of top formulas to memorize for BEC?

    Felix The Cat


    On December 31, 2017, Kayak Co. received a $10,000 note
    receivable from Ship, Inc. in exchange for services rendered.
    Interest is calculated on the outstanding balance at the interest
    rate of 3% compounded annually and payable at maturity. The
    note from Ship, Inc. is due in five years. The market interest
    rate for similar notes on December 31, 2013, was 8%. The
    compound interest factors are as follows:

    Future value of $1 due in nine months at 3% 1.0225
    Future value of $1 due in f ve years at 3% 1.1593
    Present value of $1 due in nine months at 8% .944
    Present value of $1 due in f ve years at 8% .680

    At what amounts should this note receivable be reported in
    Kayak’s December 31, 2017 balance sheet?
    a. $6,800
    b. $7,820
    c. $6,200
    d. $7,883”

    What I did: PV(5,3%) = Principal / FVfactor

    =10000 / 1.1593 = 8625.894937

    1. This is answer is wrong, <b> why isn’t this an acceptable answer? </b>
    2. They owe us 10000, so if we receive the above 8625 now, then in five years we would have 10000?

    Thanks to those that reply!



    Hi everyone, I need some help really badly right now. My scores came out for BEC and of course i failed. This is the only exam i have left to pass and i really want to pass it the next time i take this exam. I was only using Beckers but now i m considering buying Ninja for extra help. Can anyone please advise as to any strategy i should utilize or how i should go about tackling this exam please? Any help will greatly be appreciated.


    I'm in the same boat @Karip5. It isn't my last exam, but I also failed and just bought Ninja. I've only used it for a few days, but I feel like I'm almost studying for a completely different exam. I went straight to the MCQs, and I keep coming across topics and questions that were never covered in Wiley. I've been sending them to a co-worker who also failed, and she's like what?? I don't remember any of them specifically tested on the exam either, but I'm getting discouraged because I'm missing so many. I guess that's all a part of learning though. I'd also love to hear from someone who failed and has supplemented with Ninja to help them pass. I need a good strategy to be successful Q4.


    Hi everyone. Im planning to take BEC in Q4 with this hopefully being my last exam. I started studying about a week ago using Becker and honestly these MCQ's are giving me headaches. Some of them, I understand the concept and the wording is completely throwing me while others seem like they were a concept not even fully covered in the text. My plan is to go through all the sections taking notes and doing all of the MCQ's and skills test and then when I am done with that go back to review notes and hammer out MCQ's and SIMs until everything is sinking in. Im giving myself until November to take the exam just to make sure I understand everything. I would hate to go into 2019 with more tests. Any advice?

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