BEC Study Group April May 2017 - Page 2

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  • #1509592

    Welcome to the Q2 2017 CPA Exam Study Group for BEC. 🙂

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  • #1511476

    @Rosy0407 The new becker actually goes in detail.

    Control environment- EBOCA (ethics, board independence, organizational structure, competency, accountability) 5
    Risk assessment- SAFR (specify objective, assess and identify changes, fraud potential, risk analysis) 4
    Information and communication- OIE! (obtain and use information,Internal communication, external communication) 3
    Monitoring- SOD (Seprate and Ongoing evaluation, Deficiencies Communication) 2
    Existing control activity- CATP (Control Activity selection and development, Technology selections and development, policy and procedures development) 3


    Passed REG and now on to BEC. I'm using Roger and supplementing with Ninja MCQ.

    I genuinely hate cost accounting so this should be a blast.


    Hey I'm currently doing the same studying with Roger CPA and using ninja MCQ as a supplement testing material. Question: Do you wait until your completely done with Roger CPA review MPQ's and sections before testing through ninja MCQ's? Or are you reviewing both simultaneously?


    Retaking BEC 4/24 and if I pass I am done! Living eating sleeping this material. Using Gleim and Ninja audio and notes. Dreading the 10 week score delay as FAR expires for me 7/31


    Getting the book out…..its snowing, the time has sprang forward an hour, my husband has a version of the flu, and very slow at the office today. That means its time to study. Everybody please say a prayer for my husband, you know men (well), a little sickness and it's whine all day long, didn't get anything done all weekend. No, I love my husband, but the work and therapy getting him better is going to be interesting as well as extra. My goal to day is to get through 2 chapters trying to stay on schedule. Hope everybody is diligent in study today.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    I'm stuck….I can't seem to find my ninja audio…I guess I need to contact support. I know I downloaded it and just cant find it…..Uggghhh

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    I feel like I'm drowning in formulas!!! I'm using Becker… Should I go through each module's SIM when I finish with the module or wait until I'm done with the whole chapter?


    @chasinCPA I would do one entire Module at a time. meaning lectures, reading, notes, MCQ and SIMS. with the old software I waited until the end of the chapter because they weren't broken down by section.

    FAR: 66, 76!
    REG: 76!
    AUD: 72, 9/7/2016
    BEC: TBA

    Don't Stop When You Are Tired, Stop When You Are Done.


    Hi @chasinCPA I can relate to the pain! I have Becker and feel like I am drinking from a fire hose of information!!! I would suggest listening to the lectures and then immediately working on the Multiple Choice Questions. I found that many times what they explain in the lecture is not necessarily in the MCQ. Just do one portion at a time! you also will want to revisit those MCQ a second and possible a third time. So in your study plan you need to allocate some time to review, in my case I'm trying to dedicate my weekends to review if I can, that gives me an opportunity to look at prior chapters and keep reviewing it. As part of my review I also try to redo the MCQ with an emphasis on the ones I got wrong the first time. The key of this is repetition, which makes it challenging when you are drinking from a fire house of new information. Soon however the new material will stop and then you can concentrate even more on the review… Does anyone have any additional ideas how to retain the volume of info presented?


    I like to do daily progress test of 50 – 100 questions of all of the chapters you've studied so far. It's a lot of work, but it helps a lot with memory retention.

    FAR: 66, 76!
    REG: 76!
    AUD: 72, 9/7/2016
    BEC: TBA

    Don't Stop When You Are Tired, Stop When You Are Done.


    I was going through the flash-cards and realized they were surprisingly a good wrap-up of each module. I feel if you just read or watched the lectures, the flash cards do a nice summary. Anyone else feel the same about flash cards?


    Does progress tests have additional questions now?

    For example B4 questions from M1-M7 adds up to 243 but the progress test questions for B4 is 313.

    Sulyman Saad

    Hi everyone,

    I'm taking AUD & BEC ON 17 & 18 of April. I'm using Becker for AUD but not quite sure what to use for BEC…Any advise?



    I used Becker and NINJA for AUD and BEC

    FAR: 66, 76!
    REG: 76!
    AUD: 72, 9/7/2016
    BEC: TBA

    Don't Stop When You Are Tired, Stop When You Are Done.


    I'm Using Roger CPA review for BEC and Ninja MCQ as a supplement.

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