BEC on Monday

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    Studied last weekend, all week this week, and all weekend. Still feel lousy about this exam. Got a 66 on my practice final today. Going to study the tough stuff tonight, take one final tomorrow, then just review the hard questions, maybe Chapters 3 and 5. On Monday, I’m going to pay for the retake of REG (hopefully first week of Jan) and probably AUD (last week of Feb). I plan to study AUD all of December, take a quick break and brush up on REG during the holidays, then take it. I got my REG score in the mail, and it clearly spelled out my weak points (I did above average on the memo, go figure). Just not going to be happy until I get one “Pass” under my belt.

    I'll Pass Eventually
    REG (67, 66), BEC (79), FAR (5/26/10), AUD (August 2010)

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  • #209381

    I wish you good luck, glutenator! I am taking AUD and REG like you next year, only reversed, AUD first week and Jan and REG last week of FEB. Took BEC last Saturday. I just hope I had enough right answers. The exam did not seem as hard as the Becker final exams so I'm hoping I didn't miss anything obvious. I finished with about 15 minutes to spare after taking my time on each testlet.

    FAR 86 | BEC 94 | AUD 90 | REG 85
    All done! used Becker


    Zena, good to know. Thanks. I took a final last night and got a 70. I feel like I'm getting closer. Unfortunately, I think I'd be ok if I had more time, which I don't. The comforting part is that if I fail, I think I can pass it next time with another 20-30 hours of study.

    I'll Pass Eventually
    REG (67, 66), BEC (79), FAR (5/26/10), AUD (August 2010)


    Good luck, glutenator…I too am taking BEC on Monday (tomorrow). I believe the Becker MCQs to be much more involved and more difficult than the average question. Cost accounting and finance are some of my strongest areas, and I still score in the 70% or so range on the MCQs. So, don't worry. 🙂 I plan to just take my time and double check my answers since there is plenty of time allotted for the exam. I find that is where I make most of my errors–rushing through the problem (if computational) because I'm used to the pace of the other exams.


    Good luck Amethyst8

    I'll Pass Eventually
    REG (67, 66), BEC (79), FAR (5/26/10), AUD (August 2010)


    I'm taking BEC tomorrow too and probably should be studying, but I'm looking for things to be distracted by. I've already passed the other three exams and I never felt as prepared as I should have going into any exam. I'll admit that I was lazier with this one than I was with the other three, but I'm so tired of studying and sacrificing my life and time that I've decided I'm just going to go in tomorrow and try my best and then forget about it. (Until I get my score and either cry that this nightmare won't have ended yet or thank my lucky stars that I can come home from work and not feel guilty about watching an hour of TV before forcing myself upstairs to watch Peter Olinto yack at me for 4 hours about something I could care less about while everyone else is at happy hour)

    Regardless, I'm looking forward to 10 AM tomorrow when I walk out of Prometric and can start to enjoy my first Christmas with no exams and not having to work retail.

    Good luck to all of us! Last day of torture for 2009!!!!


    Good luck tomorrow glutenator. It sounds like you've put in the time – feel confident in that. When I was finishing the last sim of my last exam a tear rolled down my face because I knew I had done it. I knew I had passed. 10 years of telling myself I couldn't do it all came down to that moment. You'll do it too.


    Good luck everyone. I'm taking it tomorrow as well. . .for the 3rd time! :-p 1st Try = 73, 2nd Try = 74, pleeease let 3rd try increase by another point.

    AUD - 89 REG - 81 BEC - 73, 74, 84 FAR - 56, 74, 83. . .Done 🙂

    I'm a CPA! 🙂


    Just got back from taking mine. I think it went well! Which means, if I passed this one and REG (still waiting for my score, UGH!), I AM DONE!!! I think I too will cry tears of joy if so!


    Just came back from the exam. I admit that I feel better about this than I did about REG, especially since no Sims. I already broke out the FAR materials and am ready to study, and took out the REG materials again to re-study during my two week Christmas vacation (first vacation time in a year). I hope I did well and all of you, too.

    I'll Pass Eventually
    REG (67, 66), BEC (79), FAR (5/26/10), AUD (August 2010)

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