BEC: May Be A Silly Question But….

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  • #161191

    I haven’t taken BEC since they have added in the written communications to the exam, however, with FAR I remember we had access to the IRC. Do we have the same access with the BEC exam? I am studying with Wiley and I feel as though their software doesn’t prep you for the identical testing situation…..

    "Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy." - Norman Vincent Peale

    Starting the CPA journey, again after taking a couple year hiatus!
    AUD - 68, retake 7/23/13!
    FAR - Early October
    REG -
    BEC -

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  • #292018

    No access to the code. You wouldn't need it anyways.

    If you don't know the answer, you can make up an answer and make it sound professional and appropriate. The examiners explicitly state that content of the answers is not graded. You just need to write a memo to the appropriate audience and include what is queried of you….FREE POINTS!


    I sat for BEC recently and I have no idea what an IRC is so there is your answer 😀

    I completely bombed one of the written sections so I'm hoping that one was a pretest ^_^. The other two were easy.


    Well, I knew that I can just make up an answer…but, haha, I am really bad at BSing answers. Never been good at that throughout college. I tend to get too wordy, which will hurt, not help me. But thank you…I figured that I wouldn't have access to the code but just wanted to double check.

    "Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy." - Norman Vincent Peale

    Starting the CPA journey, again after taking a couple year hiatus!
    AUD - 68, retake 7/23/13!
    FAR - Early October
    REG -
    BEC -


    IRC = Internal Revenue Code 🙂


    Anyone here old enough to remember another meaning of IRC? (mid-90s?)


    Internet Relay Chat?

    I had to Google it….I was 10 years old in 1995 🙂



    I was was a senior in HS in 1995 😉

    My frosh year in the dorms…we had UNIX e-mail and IRC … there was no “internet browsing” that I can remember.

    I'm old.

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