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  • #157791

    So I got my score back (71) the last time was a 73. IT has always been my problem. I thought I mastered it this time around but obviously not!! I performed so poorly in IT. I used wiley, Becker etc just to master the IT section, I even had flashcards and it all did not help.

    Any suggestions as to what I can do to get this score up?? I would really appreciate any advice.


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  • #228817


    • <FONT face=Calibri>I did not pass BEC but I scored 77 compared to the 68 average passing candidates in the IT section. 

      I used both Becker and Gleim test bank questions.  There were times I also got definitions for IT terms from IT dictionaries.  Whenever I answered questions I looked at both the correct and incorrect responses.  Several times this helped me answer some questions or clarify a concept.

      I found it more helpful to read the Becker text and then re-read  the highlighted material a couple of times.

      Also, for the segregation of duty issues I created a table with definitions and incompatible jobs. 

      Hope this helps. </FONT>


    Thanks cpa journey, this helps!


    @TYJ1977  In my opninion, flashcards are a waste of time compared to other methods of studying. If you have time, you should really do as many questions as you can. I suggest doing the Becker passmaster quetsions for the sections you need work on, looking up in the study materials any question you don't fully understand, redo any questions you miss and teach yourself why you missed it. If you can understand what they are trying to ask you with these questions, the test questions format are very similar. just do tons of problems…one of my buddies studied for each exam for like 3-5 days just reading thru the book then does hundreds of problems the 2-3 days before the exams and he passed all exams on 1st try except reg got 74 after studyign for 2 days during busy season lol. then he did like 600 reg questions before the test and got a 94.  Find as many BEC questions as you can and just do them then any you miss, learn why you missed them and teach yourself.


    How did you find out how you did on specific parts of the exam?


    bttokar, through the mail and it's on the back of the paper that is if you failed.

    75 CPA

    IT is a pain.  You will not pass BEC without knowing IT.  Additionally, IT is in AUD.

    Do as many multiple choice questions as possible.  I did ALL of the questions in Gleim Test Prep, ALL of the questions in the Wiley book (Yaeger review) and All of the questions in CPA Review for Free. 

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