BEC is like… hard??

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    I took REG in Nov and thankfully passed. Now I’m on to BEC because I wanted to take on one of the “easier” exams after studying for the bear that was REG for 3 months – UM wtf? BEC lectures are so long and terrible and all the math in the cost accounting chapter is killing me. Taking me forever to complete the modules because the MCs are taking so long. Anyone else dislike BEC as much as I do? I’m hoping that going through all these questions will make the material stick come exam time.

    Anyone have any helpful study suggestions for BEC? Thanks!

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  • #2894943

    i hate reg because i cant pass it. will see how much i hate bec when scores are released. not sure who said bec is easy, i disagree

    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    BEC is underestimated. It has been my least favorite so far. REG has been refreshing after studying for BEC 3 straight times. I'm hoping third times the charm for me with it come score release day. Like everyone says, focus on COSO and IT. Rewrite the formulas because there's a lot. Every mcq and sim you work that requires a formula, write it down even if you know it. I enjoy econ and cost accounting grew on me. Once it clicks its not bad.


    I had to study longer for BEC than any other exam. As many others have observed: BEC is a mile wide and an inch deep. You will get whiplash as you study every time the topic changes. I had to study for two months before I felt like I could go back and recall a topic I was reviewing. It went on like that for weeks. I had my NTS and originally scheduled exam for 6 weeks out and rescheduled for what was a total of 12 weeks of study time. Ridiculous, really. Hundreds of pages of notes. I went through NINJA MCQs at least 3 times. I found some really good MILES videos on BEC topics and reviewed all the variance materials from my Managerial Accounting book and school class notes. BUT, eventually things started to stick and I mastered the material – all of it, including COSO and IT. The material tested every part of my determination. I hung in, though very frustrated with myself, waited till I was ready to test and passed on the first try. The exam experience was not the best and not the worst. I don't know what I would have done had I failed. It really was the hardest exam for me…
    My advice has always been don't try to memorize, memory fails. Learn as much as you can so your confidence is high while testing. You can do this but you will have to hang in…Good luck!

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    I feel I am in the same boat as y'all. I passed REG and decided to take BEC while I was in busy season (private busy season FYI) but its seems alot more diverse and theoretical than I thought it would be. I am trying to go over each chapter once initially and take notes and then come back again to solidify the understanding and do the MCQs. Hope this works and the material sticks.

    I haven't made that far yet but does COSO mean cost accounting r something else that i might discover later?! lol


    They're ALL hard, man.


    they're all hard in their own way…


    They are all hard, but BEC is the one that seems completely different than the study material. It was weird.


    BEC was the hardest one I took but also was my highest score. I think it is said to be the easiest section because scores tend to be a lot higher and the material to cover is the shortest. That does not mean the content is easy, though. But as long as you follow correct format of written piece and hit the main topics within your essay, you will get all of those points I think. The written piece is what makes it easier, score wise, in my opinion.


    @Monikernc, I can't stop laughing at your post. Hysterical and so true. I am coming for BEC's head.

    I need to pass before busy season.


    BEC is less difficult than FAR and REG and about on par with AUD. However, the material is so foreign to traditional accounting with all of the COSO, IT and Econ which makes it difficult in that you have very little baseline knowledge going in. I spent the longest time studying for BEC because it was my last exam and I didn’t want to fail, but in looking back the studying part was much more difficult than the actual exam. The exam is way more basic than GLEIM, so I felt over prepared to some degree. It all comes down to timing though, since that is where you can get tripped up since it is heavy on calculations and you may not leave yourself enough time for the writing sections. Just keep pushing through and if you don’t feel comfortable you should delay your exam (I did this). I will say that some questions can be figured out logically with common sense on this exam more so than any others. Good luck!

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