BEC in 3 weeks? - Page 2

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  • #158252

    Is it possible to study for BEC in 3 weeks using BECKER 2010? I will appreciate all of your comments.

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  • #234565

    I definitely think it is doable. I prepared for BEC in 16 days (72 hours total). This gave me time to go through the Becker material including all supplemental questions once, and a review of each chapter. My review did not include doing every MC again but I could do 50 question tests on each chapter.

    My score will dictate whether or not BEC is truly doable in 3 weeks.

    I prepared for REG in less than 3 weeks and scored in the high 90's. I think any section can be prepared for in a short period of time if you have seen the material in class and retain information well.

    REG: 5/26 - 90hrs (Pass) AUD: 7/1 - 86hrs (Pass)
    BEC: 7/22 - 72hrs (Pass) FAR: 8/31 - 56hrs (Wait)


    I am waiting on AUD. what was your score on the final exams


    i am starting to fear BEC. I was confident in the beginning w/ B1, hw scores were in the high 80's low 90's on the 1st pass and thought it was a joke. started getting lower scores in B2 but didn't worry cuz didn't read whole chapter, thought next pass will be better. B3 is where i started losing it, so much calcs and nothing retained. B5 even worse, scored in the upper 40's low 50's on avg. haven't gone through B4 yet, ima just read that a couple of times cuz it's just vocabulary. i know becker hw is harder than the actual exam but scoring in the 50's is not helping my confidence at all.

    anyone else going through this???




    nolifecpa i went through the SAME exact thing with becker. i think becker doesn't do a very good job with BEC and that is why i ordered Yaeger homestudy. i understood the material sooo much better after they taught it.

    a lot of the calcs in becker are from the CMA exam i think, but in my opinion, why even have them as MCQs? you will not see questions that complicated and in-depth on the exam. i was completely lost with Becker in chapters 3 and 5.

    chapter 2 i wouldn't worry too much about because it is only 8 – 12 % of the exam.

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    what were your audit final exam scores?


    My AUD final exam scores were Exam 1 – 62 Exam 2 – 69 Exam 1(2x) – 79 Exam 2 (2x) – 89

    I was not sure on what to think walking out of the exam though. I know my second testlet was harder than my first, but my third seemed to be the same difficulty as my second? SIMs Research were easy points, not sure on the writing though. So I am hoping to be done with AUD.


    My final exam scores were Exam 1- 68 Exam 2 60 Exam 1(2) 74 All of them 1 month after I took the test.


    what do you think?


    Based on what my co-workers have said, anything in the 70s on the practice tests should get you throught the real thing. I am not sure though. Hopefully it was enough for both of us.


    Hello Everyone,

    M planning to give my cpa exams as well …Read so much about the 2011 changes & found that BEC is the one which will be changing the most ..So wanted to give a try on BEC in 2010 in late november…

    I have done my bachelors in commerce & MBA both from India and still have not gone for evaluation process & as I am on H4 I dont have a SSN and the other proof of Identity ie Driver licence ….

    I am in VA & pls if someone could help me with state that do not require ssn…..

    I really want to give the BEC exam and I am not working so can devote max time to study….

    Please also recommend me the books I should go for …

    Your replies would be a great help to me…

    FAR- 79 -->Becker self study, Final review & Flashcards
    REG -72-->Becker ,76-->Becker plus Wiley test bank
    AUD- 73 Becker,72-->Becker+Wiley,69-->Added ninja notes,89 --> Added Gleim review
    BEC- 84 Becker plus Wiley Test bank

    I am Done !!!!


    BEC is not changing the most content wise. It is adding a written portion. FAR and AUD are changing the most in actual content along with the new testing structure.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86

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