[BEC] Exam Prep and Score Releases: January-February 2010 - Page 9

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    pizza!! that's what i had 🙂

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    LOL thanks! Pizza it is. My hubby will be happy you said that.


    You can definitely study and pass BEC if you have 2 weeks without work to study. Heck even if you were working you could pass after 2 weeks with only weekend and nights. There is really only 1, maybe 2, hard chapters in bec…assuming you were a business major in college and took the general business classes. Using becker, Ive studied about 2 weeks and take my test tomorrow and feel ready. half a day of review lol lets hope im ready.


    Thanks for the vote of confidence dobat. BBA in accounting and MBA in finance, so if its general business knowledge then that adds to my personal confidence….Good luck on your test.

    FAR(11/09) - 83; AUD(1/10) - 94; BEC(2/10) - 83; REG(2/10) - 88


    good luck dobat!! let us know how it goes!

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    hey jeff – if i sign up for the club 75 and want to watch the BEC CRAM (on the 23rd and 24th)…will it be archived so i can watch it at a later date? i won't be able to watch it on those days and i really want to watch it to help me pass this exam! i am having trouble understanding chapter 3. (i do not get finance at all)


    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    also…since I am using Becker will I be able to understand the flow of material? I think you mentioned about e-mailing notes or something? thanks.

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    CantTakeIt- How did your exam go??? You must be out partying. LOL


    lol connie i am curious how canttakeit's exam went, too!! i am really confused on chapter 3 with all the calculations. was it really heavily tested on your exam?! or just the concepts mostly

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    hey MPoni123……chapter 3 of BEC seems like a monster at first, the best way to crack it is to go over the material over and over again……the first time i did it i felt that the entire chapter was not connected at all……but when i worked it the second time i got the flow of the chapter and when i read it last week….it seems preety okay…..

    since you are using becker, would suggest understanding those 140 supp questions…they are hard but i guess necessary to make sure you get the chapter……..will let u know how heavy there are on the exam when i give it next week….

    hey connieCPAin2010…just had a question regarding the exam……did you feel the time was adequate?….I felt the becker exams were just too long…..


    MPoni123 – Chapter 3 is heavily tested. Know the concepts but try to nail down the basic formulas too. If you understand how and why the formula works, you will be ok for both types of questions. I recommend stepping back and just taking a piece of Chapter 3 at a time until you feel comfortable with it. I took a long time going through Chapters 3 & 5 and was glad I did.


    vishvesh – I finished BEC with 2 minutes left on the timer. At that time I felt good that I had reviewed all my marked questions and had answered everything to the best of my ability!

    Just try to get through the testlets in about 45 minutes each, that way you have a little extra time if you are slower on one of them its ok. Doing that, I never felt rushed so overall I think the time was ok.


    thanks vishvesh! i definitely plan on reviewing the 140 supplemental questions. i usually do all of those during my 2nd review of the material. i started chapter 4 today and am 1/2 way done and so far so good. i want to finish chapter 5 by friday so i have a week and a 1/2 to review. i think that is plenty of time to go over the information and then focus on the stuff i am still having trouble with. good luck with your exam next week!!

    connie – thanks! i did terrible on the multiple choice first time around for chapter 3. i just don't get what they are asking and what formula to use and have no clue how to approach it. i think i make it more complicated than it has to be because when i see the answer i'm like…that's it?! lol. how is your REG studying going?

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    just thought i would report my progress!! finished chapter 4 today and i am very happy about that 🙂 i want to finish chapter 5 by wednesday and that will give me 2 weeks to review!! yay

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    Well… my test went EHHHH lol. I went in super confident. But man, BEC has a way of hitting me where it hurts. I knew 1/2 of the questions for sure. The other 1/2 I'd say were educated guess. Everyone, PLEASE know your IT. My advice if you're running out of study time, know Ch1 of business but don't spend too much time there and the same with Ch 2 which is Economics. With Ch 3 and 5… know it. Know Contribution Margin, NPV, budget variance (even though I only had one lol), and FIFO/Weighted Avg Equivalent Unit Inventory ones and just be familiar with the rest of it. and KNOW YOUR CH 4 which is IT!!!!

    I just hope I pulled out at 75!!

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