[BEC] Exam Prep and Score Releases: January-February 2010 - Page 42

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    Basia – I can't speak for everyone, but I, personally, am not in the accounting profession yet. I'm working my way through graduate school right now, plus working 40 hours per week, so sometimes I wonder when I have time to study!

    However, there is a lot of people that I go to school with who are in busy season just like you, and have shut down their CPA endeavors till May. It's a lot, and unless I had an expiring section, I'd be doing the same thing. Just my $0.02

    AUD- 74, 81, BEC - 73,82, FAR-82, REG- 77, and DONE!


    I agree Basia A. Tax Season at a Big 4 accounting firm is killing me.


    I am not at Big 4 but I am working a lot of hours anyways. And this is just a beginning of tax season. I am worrying b/c studying for these exams takes a lot of time since English is not my first language. But I did pass my first test 🙂 FAR 77

    Now I am waiting for AUD score. And lets hope I pass it 🙂


    Basia – We find time, we make time because its what we must do to succeed. You know the drill. I study at , lunch, at night, on weekends, during my kids naps, any time I possibly can, and when I don't have enough time I take a day off and dedicate 5-7 hrs to studying. I'm taking FAR a week from today and my studying was totally derailed last night as I could not get my mind off of the scores. Busy season is a tough one, the time is at night when you get home, especially Friday & Sat nights but the crappy part of that is you're tired. Its a long day when you have to come home from work, take care of some kids and then sit down and study from 9-12. Its soooooo draining on myself and my poor pregnant wife! Good luck to you guys.

    MASS - BEC 79, AUD 75, REG 80, FAR 71 FEB'10, FAR 71 JUN'10, FAR NOV'10 77 and I'm spent...


    once these grades post, we definitely need to talk in more detail about this. I really need help on this one being a single parent.


    I don't even have kids and I it is difficult to find time and study. I really don't know how you guys are doing it 🙂


    texas is out!!! 84!!!! i hate this exam!!!!!!!!


    Congrats dph !


    Hey everyone (especially Jeff!) – I'm working through my first NASBA score release (took first section – BEC – in early Jan), and was completely in the dark about this whole process until I stumbled upon this WONDERFUL site last night…at 4 am-ish…in between refreshes of the NASBA website.

    So thank you all so much for your help in keeping my sanity and to Jeff for this website to help people through this! Thanks!!


    Is Texas a NASBA state?


    No, independent.

    FAR 86 | BEC 94 | AUD 90 | REG 85
    All done! used Becker


    I passed BEC! I took the exam 2/5

    FAR 1/22/10 PASSED
    BEC 2/05/10 PASSED
    AUD 3/02/10 PASSED


    and thanks jeff! not that they would, but don't let a few people that are unhappy about a great FREE service offend you. there are a lot of us here who really appreciate the chance to share with others. thanks again!


    Is Texas a NASBA state?


    Congratulations, utmpa!! What state?

    FAR 86 | BEC 94 | AUD 90 | REG 85
    All done! used Becker

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