The most frustrating thing about waiting for BEC results is the exam takes 30 seconds to grade..
I just had my 5th interview for a manager position at a management consulting firm… everything is going good its just the economy is so bad here companies are really taking a long time to make a decision and will interview forever.. A few interviews ago I was told they had received 200 resumes from qualified staff (probably 200 more from unqualified staff). I'm sure a lot of those people are overqualified which is good because companies know that if you hire someone overqualified they will jump ship as soon as the economy shows light. All of my meetings have went really well and I've followed up with some great reassuring emails, but the suspense is killing me. I find myself visiting this website frequently hoping that someone blogs “BEC SCORES ARE UP”. Thankfully I'm studying for Audit right now and I worked in internal and external audit so its not too intense.. If I was studying for REG I don't think I'd be the best person to be around haha. Do you think the people who issue the test, decide when to release, etc… know what they are doing to us!!!!????
FAR 11/13 - 78, BEC 1/13 - 82, AUD 2/23 - 94, REG 5/15 - 86