I don't mean to be so negative; however, I have been very disappointed in Becker for both Audit and BEC. I received the study material free from my employer, so I'm trying to make the best of it. It took me 3 different tries to get through the MCQs for lecture 5. By this I mean I would begin on one portion of the questions, become so frustrated with the questions that I had to put it down and come back to it later. I finally finished them up last night. Hopefully, the second time around will be much better.
As far as if the appendix material is important? I usually read through it as I review the chapter the day after I watch the lecture, as well as the day prior to the exam and what ‘sticks,' ‘sticks.' I have done this with all sections and I haven't noticed that I am missing anything when it comes to exam time. In fact, I do have to give Becker some credit; as I have taken the exams, there have been very few (I can count them on one hand) questions that I have received where I have been completely clueless. Becker does an ok job of introducing you to the material, but as far as helping you to ensure you KNOW the material, I feel they fall short.
I used and passed FAR and REG with Becker, and was adequately ‘pleased' with how they ran through the material. But with these last 2 sections, I'm seeking outside review courses/CRAMs to help supplement the material where I feel Becker has fallen short.