[BEC] Exam Prep and Score Releases: January-February 2010 - Page 115

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    Has anyone received his/her BEC score from Tennessee? My score still isn't up.



    Can anyone tell me if they have passed the BEC section using only Becker material?

    I have been reading some horror stories online about the BEC and Becker stuff that isn't good.

    If anybody can help me out answering this I would really appreciate it.


    BEC: Done
    REG: Done
    AUD: Done
    FAR: Done

    I'M DONE!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Well I passed BEC by using Becker study materials…However, I don't think becker is good for IT section of the BEC. Other four section of bec exam are good….For variances…I used the text book since I used to tutored the cost acct.



    Thanks for your reply, I will look into getting some different material to supplement the Becker book.

    Also, good luck on REG, you will do fine, I used only the Becker and thank god I passed it the first time through.

    BEC: Done
    REG: Done
    AUD: Done
    FAR: Done

    I'M DONE!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    I know at least four people who passed BEC using just Becker.

    Many important concepts are explained in terms of tables. Try to understand the approach used to prepare these “tables”, and work out the problems and then go over the related multiple choice problems. Also, I found that financial management is very well explained in Becker, but again, read the chapter, carefully go over all the examples, and do all the multiple choices.

    Also, preparing a list of the most important formulas is extremely helpful. Print this list and keep a copy at work and at home. Review these whenever you have a free minute or two, but not when driving.

    Becker has also a free handout for information technology. It is helpful to read these pages twice, once while you preparing for the exam, and once during the last day before your exam. If you are Becker student, you probably know what I am talking about. Also, read all the pages on information technology in Becker few times.

    Another piece of advice. Becker AUD textbook has a chapter on information technology methods used in audit. Study this chapter also, go over the examples, and do all the multiple choice questions.


    I passed BEC using just Becker. I think Becker covers it suffiently, the material is just somewhat difficult to grasp. I rank BEC second to FAR in difficulty.



    I just got a 91 only using becker for BEC. If you do what they say to study and do all the questions. You should be able to pass. There is that addendum online as well. Go over that at least one time. There are some MCs that are posted to go with it as well. Do them to reiterate the info. You can do this!


    Just got my score in Oklahoma! Passed! Done with all parts! Thanks Jeff for this site it has really helped.

    I used Becker through the entire process. I thought it worked will. The only recomendation I would make it to supplement the IT section in Becker with another study material.

    Good luck to everyone!





    Studying for BEC (4/1/10) – I have been happy with Becker, but BEC seems a lot more challenging than I thought it was going to be. Now that FAR is behind me, I can put all of my efforts towards BEC. Hang in there everyone, keep pushing on…..

    AUD 98 | FAR 90 | BEC 88 | REG 94 (5/27/10) AICPA Tea Party Member


    need to retake BEC. definitely waiting until AFTER tax season to get back to it. only thing i am telling myself is 2 down…2 to go!!! should i bother updating BEC for 2010 or order something else?!

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    karojane – What is the addendum? Where do I find that at? I feel like I can pass BEC using only Becker as well. A lot of people say I need to supplement, but I paid big money for Becker for a reason. They are supposed to be the best. And I've had a few friends that say it can be passed with Becker only because they have done it themselves.


    south0085 – I passed BEC in January using only Becker. The IT addedum can be found on the Becker website under updates. I read over it once – it is a ton of information, but you may pick up a point or two from it. I also recommend knowing your formulas from Ch. 3 & 5 – know 'em inside and out! Good Luck!


    connieCPAin2010 – Thank you! I will look that addendum up and I will be sure to know all the formulas. Did you memorize the formulas? Or just get to where you could answer any multiple choice questions with ease? (without memorizing the question)



    It's definitely possible to pass using only Becker. I took BEC on 2/23 after using only Becker for almost 5 weeks and I got a 92. And I barely glanced at the IT addendum……..

    If you have already paid for Becker, I wouldn't bother using other study materials if you do exactly what Becker recommends- read the notes and do the problems. I myself did not find the lectures absolutely necessary and only watched the parts where I was unclear about. Main thing is, understand why you got questions wrong!! Use the lookup function a lot ( where Becker finds the page/section where the topic is discussed) and reread/skim the sections that you aren't doing well on.

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