I know at least four people who passed BEC using just Becker.
Many important concepts are explained in terms of tables. Try to understand the approach used to prepare these “tables”, and work out the problems and then go over the related multiple choice problems. Also, I found that financial management is very well explained in Becker, but again, read the chapter, carefully go over all the examples, and do all the multiple choices.
Also, preparing a list of the most important formulas is extremely helpful. Print this list and keep a copy at work and at home. Review these whenever you have a free minute or two, but not when driving.
Becker has also a free handout for information technology. It is helpful to read these pages twice, once while you preparing for the exam, and once during the last day before your exam. If you are Becker student, you probably know what I am talking about. Also, read all the pages on information technology in Becker few times.
Another piece of advice. Becker AUD textbook has a chapter on information technology methods used in audit. Study this chapter also, go over the examples, and do all the multiple choice questions.