[BEC] Exam Prep and Score Releases: January-February 2010 - Page 114

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    Thank you very much for your input I really appreciate it and will start using your strategy.


    Yandra ; don't give up,,, I was in your shoes as well I scored back-to-back 74's on BEC on 05/09 and 07/09… I had AUD also in 07/09 and was considering saying screw it, but I studied for it hard in 2-3 weeks and ended up with a 79…. start hitting the books harder for AUD, and don't let BEC get the best of you.. BEC looks quick and easy, but I rank it up there with FAR… AUD is like 6 chapters in the Wiley book, and it builds on the other stuff (or at least i thought so) keep doing MC's, as many as you can get your hands on and do some practice sims… Good Luck



    Are you register in NJ?


    Don't laugh, but because I really didn't have the money I found a way to use the Becker 2007 version of the home study, but I passed with an 83. I have failed before and the difference between this time and last was I put more focus on B3 and B5 and more time on the overall material. Do the MC over and over again, and explain to yourself every time why you got the answer wrong or right so you can review the book to understand the concepts that you don't understand. Again I would like to reiterate putting in the time. I wasn't before that is why I didn't pass.

    FAR - 75, REG - 80, BEC - 83, AUD - 84, I'm done!!!!!



    You're welcome. And, if you ever have any questions, post them b/c there are so many people on here who can explain the information in different ways.



    For sure I will!!



    promethius if you're so so close to passing i would not spend that kind of money on a whole new home study program. instead i would try to get my hands on some more practice questions see if you could just get a used bec book from a different company than becker (being that you probably have done all of becker's questions) and pound the questions review the flashcards as you said. also i found that IT was heavily stressed so go over that chapter PLUS the appendix to that chapter in becker. GOOD LUCK you can do it!


    I passed and now I'm a CPA! Goodbye another71, thanks for the community and good times.

    FAR - 78
    AUD - 86
    REG - 77


    Okay…I failed, I know is not the end of the world & this exam test Perseverance. After and hour or so.. Of a massive breakdown & crying my heart out….(This will be my fifth time). I'm ready to re-assess my study plan and to DO this and retake BEC.. Now is personal, is a matter of Pride…!!!!!

    I'm going to try a different approach for a review course.. I'm between Becker & Yaeger… So any feedbak that any of you might give I'll really appreciated…

    Best of Luck to Everyone..!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Oklahoma… anyone?


    Yandra, you've got the right attitude. Hang in there and keep working hard, you'll pass it! Is there a particular part of BEC that you feel weak in? What study plan have you followed in the past?

    BEC - Passed
    REG - Failed - Retake October
    AUD - Waiting


    I am in the same boat as you Yandra. I've also had four unsuccessful attempts.

    BEC 71,77
    REG 65,85
    FAR 7/1/13
    AUD 8/24/13


    Yandra, don't give up.

    What I did for BEC is to write all the formulas on a piece of paper and I brought it with me all the time.


    Yandra have you tried cpareviewforfree.com? The questions are pretty good and a good change up from other test prep software. It's completely free and very accessible. I use it practically all day at work to study a question here or two from there when I'm just waiting for crap to post or load or if I'm sign off approvals and stuff. Just think about how much time people waste on a forum or checking e-mail at work and put that into that site and you'll probably get a ton done that way. I usually get about 20-40 questions done from that site a day just from getting questions here and there plus lunch break. I take my time understanding his answers and his explainations are very good. I just e-mail him if the explaination doesn't make sense and he is pretty quick to respond. The highest % of correct answers I've ever gotten using his mini-exams was 85%. The questions are pretty tough IMO.

    I jumped 9 points on my REG section using them and passed BEC my first time thanks to their explainations on the cost accounting and CAPM model.

    For formulas. Knowing that any formula that says over or to means a division formula e.g. debt to equity = debt/equity helps a bunch.

    REG - 67, 76 (Q4 2009) - Used CPAExcel first time, Used CPAExcel + CPAReviewForFree
    BEC - 83 (Q1 2010) - CPAExcel + CPAReviewForFree
    AUD - 89 (Q2 2010) - CPAExcel + CPAReviewForFree
    FAR - 81 (Q4 2010) - Roger CPA + CPAReviwForFree


    Has anyone in Oregon received their score yet?

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