[BEC] Exam Prep and Score Releases: January-February 2010 - Page 11

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    Thanks to all for the tips and advice


    just took thye exam……felt extremely weird…….the questions in the first and third testlet were preety simple but the questions in the 2nd testlet were just insane!!……a lot of calculations on the second testlet…..i think i did enough to pass..lets see how it turns out….

    btw is BEC adaptive?? because i have heard this is the only exam that is not and i hope that is true…….


    BEC is not adaptive. I forgot this fact when taking the exam and had myself thinking I must have blown it, but the testlet difficulty is completely random. I have heard coworkers and friends say they had a ton of calculations in some testlets, and none in others. I know it also varies person to person, exam to exam. I felt I had very few calculations for BEC…I must have been lucky.


    vishvesh – i hope you passed!! 🙂 you really never know what they are going to through at you!! ok so i changed my mind and pushed my BEC exam back. i will now be taking it feb. 25 instead of jan. 27. i just don't think i will be ready!! work has been picking up and i just can't study at home. my university library where i graduated from is still closed at night and on the weekends because it's only intersession. it goes back to regular hours on jan. 25 (which is really good open till 11 pm most nights!!) so that's my plan…

    here's to another month on BEC!!! 🙂

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    oops! meant to say throw* not through lol

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    Thanks MPoni123, I hope I pass My advice would be, keep to the basics as connie had said before…………..and dont get too much into the calculations in chapter 5, i felt the questions in the exam were more straight forward.

    Good luck


    MPoni – I'm right there with you. Just took AUD on Monday, and now I will be prepping for BEC and sitting on 2/22. If I managed to pass Audit, then this is my last section!


    thanks for the advice vishvesh. i will keep that in mind! i hope the calculations are basic and more straight forward on my exam! i feel way less stressed now that i pushed the exam back, though.

    Atrus – i love your slogan!! hahaha right from the man peter olinto's mouth himself! lol it is so funny when he says that. how do you feel about audit? good luck studying for BEC!!! we are taking the exam right around the same time so stop by this forum and keep me updated on your progress – i will do the same!

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    I like it better when he says… “You will not be held PERSONALLY liable”

    AUD - 86, FAR - 78, BEC - 79 (but it's been over 18 months), REG - 72 (7/6/2009), 78(10/24/2009)


    I'm sitting for BEC (first section) this Friday, the 22nd at 5:00 pm EST. I've been studying since the first of the month – OMG it was only 18 days ago. I have put in alot of hours and am hitting the IT control issues hard because I think it will be a big part.

    I love my review course – Kaplan – text book, mp3s, online lectures, online T/F, online MCQs and lots of great explanations to MCQs, flash cards that I have from Becker too and I have a Wiley book. Capital budgeting was an issue but I feel like I've got it satisfactorily now. I hope I don't have to calculate PV factors though because that will kill me.

    I did really good in cost accounting in class but I have to review flex budgets, absorption costing vs. direct costing and a few other things. Have not looked at economics yet.This is week is pretty open to only studying. I want to solidfy IT more – do economics then work the CRAM section of the text. Hope I can do it in four days!!! Saturday I was sick to my stomach and today I feel ill.

    Any and all suggestions welcome!!


    I took BEC yesterday . . .

    Praying for the next 4 weeks that I passed and am done with all parts!

    AUD-98 FAR-82 REG-92 BEC-82 DONE!!!!



    Did you use Becker for your review? Did it prepare you well? How long did you prep for BEC?

    I take the exam 2nd week of Feb.


    CVACPA –

    I did use Becker and I also bought a Wiley book just for extra questions to go through and for a little extra help on the IT part. I thought overall Becker did a good job. I studied about 4 weeks for it, maybe a total of 40-50 hours. Chapters 3 and 5 are essential to know inside and out. I only maybe read through the Appendices once though.

    I had a ton of calculations on my exam . . . not so fun!

    Good luck!

    AUD-98 FAR-82 REG-92 BEC-82 DONE!!!!


    wow i haven't made a post in the last 5 days!! that should tell you how much studying i have been doing. (0) 🙂 sooo happy i pushed my exam back i would have been taking it a week from yesterday. no way. now i have plenty of time to review because i am almost done with chapter 5. the calculations are a killer i just hope my exam isn't filled with them. first time i took it i remember it being more IT and chapter 5 stuff…but every exam is different obviously.

    katiem you sound like peter olinto – “…to know inside and out” lol he is brainwashing us!!

    npoilluci – good luck on friday!! let us know how you make out!

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    I take the BEC exam this coming January 25th. Any last comments to help my success? I took the BEC section in October and recieved a 67%. I passed REG with an 89%. BEC is pretty tough. My weak spots on the last exam was chapter 3 and 5. I feel more comfortable about those two chapters than the last time I took it.

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