[BEC] Exam Prep and Score Releases: January-February 2010 - Page 106

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    The loophole worked for me in Wave 1. I am in SC and went to the OH and GA site to re-register for FAR (SC site was different) and it let me register. I found out I failed later that night. REG was the only one greyed out because I had passed that. It doesn't have to be your last section of the CPA, just the last one on your current NTS.

    From what I've seen from posts on this site, it is very accurate. I haven't seen anyone post that it said they passed all parts and then not end up passing.



    I am hoping it is right as well. BEC was the only test on the NTS and we have 58 minutes until scores are released and I still can not re-register for the section.

    Fingers crossed!


    so what does it mean if I can re-register for the section, does that mean I failed?? :(( – I do not know if I trust this way

    I hate the wait and I can not concentrate on my other studying – I keep hitting refresh after refresh and nothing is showing up!! arrgghhh

    AUD 79 (EXPIRED) 86
    BEC 69, 74, 75 (EXPIRED) 77
    REG 84
    FAR 74, 77


    Hoping the loophole works too. BEC is my last part and it says that I've passed all parts of the exam. Come on NASBA. . release already.


    I hope it works in your favor. Let us know!


    when you try to re-register, should you do so under a different state or your jurisdiction?

    AUD 79 (EXPIRED) 86
    BEC 69, 74, 75 (EXPIRED) 77
    REG 84
    FAR 74, 77


    Mine lets me re-register as well. Its my last section so I've run into the loophole with both passing and not passing, it's never given me the wrong answer. I'm already planning to re-study 🙁 But I am anxious to see what my score was, this was the only exam I felt good walking out of, which is disappointing to say the least.

    FAR-91 AUD-75 REG-88 BEC-72,72,5/1/10
    Buckling down and studying and praying this is the end!


    Since some seem to accuse the loophole of being unethical

    (personally, I don't get why this has anything to do with ethical problems)

    and said universities disqualified the applicants who tried a similar tactic years ago…

    I'm concerned if there will be any disadvantages or anything from NASBA?

    AUD (99) FAR (94) REG (waiting) BEC (87)


    well, I also tried to re register for AUD which I already passed – and it lets me do that.

    AUD 79 (EXPIRED) 86
    BEC 69, 74, 75 (EXPIRED) 77
    REG 84
    FAR 74, 77


    Some states it doesn't work. So hopefully you are in a state that it just lets you re-register for all of them (which means it wouldn't tell you whether you did or didn't pass). Indiana definitely works.

    FAR-91 AUD-75 REG-88 BEC-72,72,5/1/10
    Buckling down and studying and praying this is the end!


    It doesnt matter, I am all set to F5 all night long. As well as I have both my FAR and BEC book ready for anything 🙂


    How in the world is it unethical to check your score?


    hmm i am in MA and tried registering for the OH one and it had my info but wanted me to fill in my work info and stuff so eh, i can just wait another 30 min or so! i am scared to go any further on that website!

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    Indiana scores are up now

    FAR-91 AUD-75 REG-88 BEC-72,72,5/1/10
    Buckling down and studying and praying this is the end!


    Is Indiana NASBA?

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