BEC Exam on Monday..

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    And I’m freaking out. I’ve spent the last 5 weeks studying and doing the MCQ’s (using Becker), but now I’ve done the practice exams and I’m getting questions I used to get right.. wrong. I am struggling with the Econ aspect, but I’m hoping something will have sunk in.

    Any advice?

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  • #327876

    Same thing happened to me when I did a practice exam a couple of days ago.

    The good thing now is you know what areas you need to do a refresher on. So use the practice exam and gauge which area to go through again for today and tomorrow.. do a handful of MCQ's for those areas, at a good pace, and then move on.

    Goodluck Monday.

    BEC: 66 | 69 | 7/23/2013
    AUD: 8/28/2013


    yea.. I broke down. I talked to one of my friends and she said that I should buy the NINJA notes and use those as well. She used them in conjuction with her Becker material and it helped her pass her FAR exam (she has failed it twice prior). It tied a lot of it together and if there were things she still didn't get she would review them more indepth with Becker.

    I got a case of Red Bull, some other good snacks and still plugging away.

    Thanks and Good Luck to you on your exams


    Hit the IT section hard the day before your exam. Make sure you understand the W.C. format because I'm convinced formatting, spelling, and grammar are good for at least 1/2 your points there, just my opinion. Write out any formulas you're unsure of. Don't freak out too much, I was struggling to hit 65% on my BEC testlets using Wiley and still passed with an 80.

    Starting all over.

    FAR - 11/27/13
    AUD - 1/4/14


    @MSG10… I was the exact same way as you. I took the practice exams a couple of days before the actual exam and I scored a 71 on the first one and a 63 on the second one. I was freaked out because I missed some stuff that I should have got right so I started panic studying. Anyways, I ignored the score and focused on what I was struggling with which was economics and COSO stuff. I ended up listening to the COSO lecture on the way to the exam (which helped because it was fresh in my mind). As far as the econ goes, I tried to just understand the basics and nothing more because I didn't have time. This way allowed me to answer basic econ questions and take a educated guess at any others that were more advanced. I ended up with an 80 on the actual exam and felt good when I walked out of the testing center. According to my score report I did weak on two subjects (econ and operations management) and still got an 80.

    Just focus on what you don't know and try to grasp the basics of the concepts so it can at least allow yourself to make an educated guess on a weaker subject area. Good luck on your test, I bet you will do better than you think you will right now!

    BEC - Feb 2012: 80
    AUD - Feb 2012: 84
    FAR - Apr 2012: 78
    REG - May 2012: 90

    Thanks Becker!


    I with you brother/sister….High noon on Monday.

    I went to bed freaking out last night because I was hitting in the mid to high 60's on the heavy computation sections. Today I got up and started my third time through and am in the mid 90's. You might just have reached the saturation point like me.

    Best of luck!


    Thanks guys (girls?). I think its the stress of paying for my own review courses and exams that I just want to pass on the first time since I am not making the big bucks and my company isn't reimbursing me for costs. And Monday being the first CPA exam taken I think it double folds all the nerves.

    PS I could have sworn that I was done with econ when I graduated with my undergrad… I freaking hated econ more than cost accounting…

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