BEC CPA Exam Review 2010 - Page 30

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    Well, I am taking BEC one week from today and I was wondering if you guys could give me any insight on what I really need to focus on. Here is my “planned” schedule up until next Tuesday:

    Tomorrow – Finish reviewing B-5 and complete my summarized notes

    Thursday – Do B-1 problems

    Friday (trying to take day off) – finish up B-1 problems, maybe start some B-2 problems

    Saturday – do some B-2 problems, spend the majority of the day doing B-3 problems, start B-4 problems

    Sunday – do B-4 problems and get a good start on B-5 problems

    Monday (day off) – finish as many B-5 problems as possible, maybe do a Becker practice exam if possible

    Tuesday – review summarized notes and look over formulas, take exam at 1pm, start drinking

    What do you guys think of this plan? Any suggestions on different allocations of my time?

    FAR - 81
    AUD - 91
    REG - 85
    BEC - 80



    Thanks much.. Good luck to you, too. I just hope we all get through this 🙁

    BEC on Saturday I just hope I dont have to retake it. I dont even have time to do the AICPA questions like Taki suggested, I am still working on B-5 Its too damn DIFFICULTTTT..

    I'll be praying for everyone..


    @ Grant9859

    Sounds like a good plan to me. I would definitely focus more on B3 and B5 MCQs.

    I don't know how long it will take you to actually memorize all the formulas. I took BEC on a Saturday and I spent the day before memorizing the formulas and reviewed them the next day before I actually sat for the exam. In my opinion, memorizing the formulas is key.

    FAR - 79
    BEC - 84
    AUD - 89
    REG - 02/05

    75 CPA


    I used Yaeger for FAR, REG and BEC. I used Lambers for AUD.

    I felt like I did not get my money's worth with Becker for BEC. Becker just did not cover enough material or go into enough depth for BEC. There was one IMPOSSIBLE QUESTION on my BEC exam that only Cindy explained in depth. I felt sorry for all of those Becker students on the BEC exam who did not have a clue as to how to calculate the answer.

    75 or bust

    I came up with a new mnemonic yesterday while reviewing B2. For some reason I kept mixing up the supply and demand curves. The way I now remember it is “SD Memory”. When you look at both curves on a graph, and you label them on the right hand side, the top line is S and the bottom line is D. Once you have that down in your “memory”, you will never mix them up.

    NOVEMBER 2003 - AUD 69 - LPR 62 - FARE 66 - ARE 57
    2010 - REG (90) - AUD (91) - FAR (93) - BEC (89)


    Hello everyone,

    Can anyone tell me when I can expect my results for BEC ( 11/17) .

    Thanks in advance.



    I hope you did well on the BEC exam, I was just wondering if there were a bunch of variance questions? I am losing my nerves because I cant seem to memorize the OH variances!! I dont know what to do I only have 2 days for the exam and I have to start revising B1-B4 before I sit for the exam on Saturday! B-5 is killing me. I would greatly appreciate any help/advice on how to tackle the variances.. Did u use Becker and was it helpful? Please, I would appreciate any advice 🙁

    Thank you much..


    @veena – check out

    Jeff posted on that forum that BEC were to be released by AICPA today.

    I just saw that you sat today – you scores will prob not be out until right before xmas.


    @ saryal,

    I heard Roger CPA has some great free demo you can watch about OH variances. I never watched it myself cuz I did not have enough time left, but I heard it's really good. Becker does a very poor job explaining OH variance, and I honestly could never fully understand it from Becker. I would have watched the Roger video if I had time. I think you can go to their website and find it or you may want to try and search the link somewhere in Another 71. I know people have mentioned this video several times and I'm pretty sure you can find the link somewhere in this website. Maybe try the search function and type “Roger OH variance video”?

    FAR - 79
    BEC - 84
    AUD - 89
    REG - 02/05


    Thank you Go CPA. I found the video on You Tube (where else right!!)

    It's much simplified for sure. Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu.

    How did ur BEC go? Did u also use Becker?? Tons of Variance questions? any other last minute advice would be greatly appreciated.. Thanks once again (Can't emphasize enough, thanks!)


    I used Becker for BEC, which I took last Thursday (11/11). I was horribly under-prepared, but that was my fault. I was getting it handed to me during the multiple choice questions so I just stopped. The formulas for managerial and finance were just killing me. I only did 70% of the total questions (not including supplemental). I walked out of BEC feeling like I just got shelled. Well, apparently I'm a good guesser or something, because I got an 81.

    FAR (77), AUD (81), REG (84), BEC (81)


    @Mwtgg what state are you in? Man I took BEC last Friday and to think I can get my score soon would be awesome! Also what do you mean by “the supplemental.”

    BEC - 60, 71, 79
    AUD - 73, 66, 87!!!!! Yes! I am done!
    REG - 74, 76
    FAR - 75

    Yaeger Review for all except my last AUD score (Roger)!


    @Sdb2fsu: I am in PA. I'm talking about the supplemental questions that Becker has for each section. The ones that aren't required for the “Becker Promise”.

    FAR (77), AUD (81), REG (84), BEC (81)


    Gotcha; well I hope that FL follows…..I was anticipating my score the middle of December! Lol I thought you said you only finished 70% of the exam and i was starting to think man I should definitely pass then lol!

    BEC - 60, 71, 79
    AUD - 73, 66, 87!!!!! Yes! I am done!
    REG - 74, 76
    FAR - 75

    Yaeger Review for all except my last AUD score (Roger)!


    @ saryal

    Yes, I used Becker and I felt very well coming out of the exam. I can't tell you how I did because I have not received my score yet. I'm in CA so I'm expecting to see my score tomorrow morning… so nervous. I really felt I nailed the exam but you never know! I have read many cases were people felt they passed for sure but still failed. I will give you an update tomorrow as soon as I get my score 🙂

    But still, I think overall Becker did a good job preparing me for the exam. Like everybody else, I got some few random questions but I think I made an educated guess on those, we'll see.

    As far as what you should focus on, definitely follow Becker advice on the percentage of topics being tested that they give you at the beginning of the lecture. I found it accurate.

    My best advice is to memorize if possible, all the formulas. I know this can be overwhelming but I also think that knowing those formulas is going to help you a lot! I personally spent an entire day and a half just memorizing! I was having a severe brain damage but I think it was worth it. I know it's going to be impossible to memorize every single formula in BEC but try to as much as you can.

    I wish you good luck and just be confident that you can nail that exam! Btw, I personally found the exam questions to be easier than Becker questions. But don't take it for granted. Keep studying hard 🙂

    FAR - 79
    BEC - 84
    AUD - 89
    REG - 02/05

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