BEC CPA Exam Review 2010 - Page 24

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    Laura, you will crush the exam after those scores with Becker!

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    I hope so herbert… but reading all of these stories of random questions throughout most of the exam makes me so nervous!!!

    FAR - 85
    REG - 85
    BEC - 10/11
    AUD - 11/06


    Thanks Jaks, my score improved a lot, I'm passing at least now yay!

    Good luck Laura! Sounds like you're on a roll 🙂


    Wow, is all I can say. I studied for 2-3 hrs a weekday for 2 weeks and 10 hours on the weekends; then the last two weeks I studied 10-12 hrs every single day. I went to take the test yesterday and almost thought I was in the twilight zone. It seems like the questions in the reviews I'd gone over were over simplified (that or I am just a bad test taker). I knew what they asked for and I knew what formulas to use but the questions were confusing for me. I'm staring to reconsider whether to keep pushing; at the end of the test I plain just picked the one that looked like the best answer. I was so bummed, I finished the test in an hour. Could it be the material or are some of us just not wired to understand word problems right off the bat? I still have a sinking feeling in my stomach…


    Took the exam yesterday. Felt very comfortable coming out of there, which I wasn't when I finished FAR and REG. I dk if this is a good thing or bad thing. The questions were definitely easier than the Becker ones, the IT questions were a little confusing though…. but I felt I could make educated guesses and eliminate at least two options out of the four. I finished like 20 minutes before time was up so I don't think time should be an issue for anyone. Good luck to everyone that is taking the exam!

    FAR - 85
    REG - 85
    BEC - 10/11
    AUD - 11/06


    Laura, I had the same test feeling you did. FAR/AUD felt like I got hit by a bus, BEC I felt pretty good finishing & also finished with around 20-30 minutes left.

    apc-cpa keep your head up, I think most everyone had some surprises on their exam. I think after going through the material you're more likely subconsciously to pick the best choice then you might believe.

    FAR - 87
    AUD - 88
    BEC - 88
    REG - waiting


    Retaking BEC on 10/31

    I sadly failed BEC in Aug by scoring 73 ><

    Just wondering if anyone who retook for the second time actually saw the questions that had appeared on the first try

    Besides this, can anyone share some advice on how to knock this BEC out?



    Kobe – what did you do as far as studying your first time around, time and materials used?

    FAR - 95
    AUD - 82
    REG - 94
    BEC - 84


    hi gabe1475

    I used becker straight and practiced some questions on wiley

    i spent about roughly two months to prepare for this, i attended becker class and did becker homework

    Based on my report from CBA, I failed because my managerial accounting is weaker compared to other candidates, everything else i ‘m comparable to others…

    Any good advice on how to improve? thanks


    How realistic is study for this test in 3 weeks?

    Here's the plan:

    Week 1: 1 Becker section a day for 5 days.

    Weeks 2 & 3: Review, review, review…

    Am I completely insane or is this doable?

    Trying my best not to push this into 2010….


    And of course I meant “trying not to push this into 2011”.

    Ha. Where am I? ….What year is it again?


    Kobe – I think it all comes down to the time you put in and working the questions. It is important to know why you got questions wrong or right. A correct guess will not help on the test. Did you do all questions or just some. I find it beneficial to go over all the questions so you can see all the different variations of the same question. Better to get surprised at home than on the actual exam.

    bamacpa – it is doable, but only if you plan on doing this full time.

    Question for anyone else that has taken BEC – are flow chart symbols something you should know for the exam. I am really struggling in the IT area.

    FAR - 95
    AUD - 82
    REG - 94
    BEC - 84


    gabe, I don't think you need to know the flowchart symbols at all. They used them just to explain the material

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    Taking BEC on 10/31, does anyone know if this is wave 1 or wave 2 based on this date

    so that i can predict the result released day



    That should be wave 1. Anything to the end of the 1st week of November should be wave 1.

    FAR - 95
    AUD - 82
    REG - 94
    BEC - 84

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