BEC exam has been completed! Sort of scared because I felt pretty good coming out of it. FAR/AUD I felt horrible and ended up with good results. Felt like Becker prepared me pretty well and only had a few questions I was not familiar with the terms.
ACP-CPA as you know we can't go into what our exam was over, but break even and variances are the parts that give people the most difficulties, so they are probably going to test you hard over it and you'll want to know it. It's ok that some calculations will take over 2 minutes to answer. Some questions will only take you 10 seconds to know the right answer! It all evens out. I was easily taking over 5 minutes to do the break even/variances the first go through, the second go through during my review it was probably 3 minutes, and I finished my exam with 20+ minutes left. Practice makes perfect, keep working the MCQ.
Keep up the good work guys, good luck to those of you taking BEC this quarter.
FAR - 87
AUD - 88
BEC - 88
REG - waiting