BEC and its little tricks

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  • #157169

    I just took the BEC exam yesterday and got to say that what I had heard about it was really true. There are some strange kind of tricks AICPA is trying to play on you some of which make no sense. I just wanted to know if anyone knows what the difficulty level of testlets mean: the first was easy, second hard and third easy again. Is it a good sign or a bad one?


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  • #228636

    BEC testlets are not adaptive, so if you thought two of the three testlests were easy it probably just means you were well prepared and knowledgable in the areas that those questions related to. Good job!

    REG-95 BEC-93 FAR-90 AUD-99


    Hi, Can you tell whether simulations appeared in your exam this time


    No sims in BEC until next year.


    I had an IT question on mine (took yesterday) that was completely out of the blue, I later went and asked my friend with a masters in computer science and engineering and he had no clue either, he ended up sending me a wikipedia link that showed I got the wrong answer :/

    Also, out of all of chapter 5 from Becker, i skipped ONE section (by skipped I mean just read it once and didn't do problems), and there were at least 15 questions on just that one was really really annoying. Why couldn't the 15 questions have been on one of the harder sections that I drilled all night before? Ugh…hopefully I passed, but it pisses me off that they can put so many questions on from just ONE section or ask you the randomest things.

    Also, I did see a couple questions word for word from the Becker MCQ which was interesting, overall it wasn't that bad save the few random questions that made NO sense and the vast number of questions from the particular section I didn't go over.

    Good luck to all..I'll be most pissed if I get a 74, because that means had that stupid IT question been simply a business question about business structures, I would have passed.


    hopefully u passed…i tend to not skip any chapters or hardly ever pay attention to the suggested weights of becker chapters and just study everything…90/5 =18 questions, usually happens like this and not comparative to the weights.


    “Ugh…hopefully I passed, but it pisses me off that they can put so many questions on from just ONE section or ask you the randomest things.”

    I noticed this with each of the 4 exam sections. Some areas are tested heavily, while others are covered lightly, or in some cases, not at all. And there is no way of predicting what may or may not be ignored.


    Thanks Dale, but unfortunately my exam got cancelled due to weather.

    Had anyone faced with same kind of situation anytime? If yes, please help me in how to get the exam rescheduled at the earliest as i have my other exams also due in two weeks.


    Strider, I hope you passed. If you did get a 74, maybe give that section a little more focus next time.

    FAR 11/13 - 78, BEC 1/13 - 82, AUD 2/23 - 94, REG 5/15 - 86

    75 CPA

    There were two sick multiple choice questions on my BEC exam that only Cindy at Yager reviewed. One of the questions involved some weird math calculations. Becker and Bisk did not cover that topic.

    Thank you, Cindy! I passed BEC.


    75 cpa, it would help if you gave some inkling as to what those calculations pertained to. thanks for nothing.

    FAR: 80(7/23), AUD: 81(8/31), REG: 84(11/12), BEC: 75(11/30),73


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