BEC 38

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  • #2818329

    I took BEC in early November and I failed miserably. I got 38! I know it is embarrassingly low especially given that I studied for 9 weeks about 15-20 hours a week. I clearly didn’t have the right approach and learned nothing. I told myself that I will keep studying and trying until I pass. Usually the recommendation is to go back and retake the exam, but I truly struggle with BEC and feel like I have gotten to a point where I have memorized the Becker mcq vs actually understanding. I’m considering to take AUD next instead. Would you recommend that? I’m hoping that the shorter lectures and less formulas might be easier for me to comprehend, but I also know that at the core of the problem is my studying style or lack off. What would you recommend other than giving up on the cpa exam all together. for reference, I graduated college 10 years ago and am working in industry as senior accountant.
    Thank you for your feedback.

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  • #2818545

    I used GLEIM and passed all 4 exams first try. Becker is hit or miss with certain subjects and I’ve notice It may not cover BEC all that great. With any exam materials if you go over the questions enough you will get to a point where you are just seeing the same questions over and over again. You should only go over the practice problems for each section not more than twice before your final review. Otherwise you’ll be just seeing familiar questions and remember the answers and learn nothing. Sounds like you need to supplement with something else at this point. GL!


    Would you mind sharing specifically what you did each day when you studied, and how much of the book you got through? Without specifics you are probably going to get a lot of the same advice you would see on any other thread.


    I watched the Becker’s videos for chapter 1-5 and half way of 6. After each module, I would do the mcq until I get 100% and the sims. I took notes on concepts I didn’t understand or to outline what the chapter is about. I also did the Becker final review. Writing this makes me so embarrassed that I got 38. At this point, I don’t know if I should restart BEC or try AUD and come back to it later.


    I don’t think videos are worthwhile. You need to read the material and write notes. GLEIM has 20 chapters for each section so I would try to finish 1 chapter within 1-2 days studying 3-4hrs per day during the week and 6-8hrs per day on the weekend. I recommend 4-6 weeks of solid studying per exam section. For each chapter do the practice MCQs and SIMs. Once you complete going through the chapters do a mock exam to gauge where you are at and see which sections you need to reread and do more practice problems. Also do the AICPA mock exam as well since 1-2 of them are pretty similar to what you will see on the exam. GL!


    Thank you for the advise. I will try that.


    I completely understand the feeling of being embarrassed…The first time I took FAR I studied for 5 months (yes 5) and ended up with a 48. I then decided to switch to AUD, and in two months I got a 75. So I would definitely switch over to a different exam (whichever one you feel will be easiest), but considering you got through all of the study material and still got a low score, you are going to have to change up your study habits. For me, it was ditching lectures and SIMS, and focusing more on reading the physical book, taking notes on what I read, and studying those notes. I did maybe 100 practice MCQ's for the whole AUDIT exam.

    You may not have passed, but at least you learned what doesn't work.


    I definitely understand your struggle. I'd say YouTube is your friend. I studied for BEC using Wiley and sometime felt that concepts were not fully explained especially for people like me who have been out of school for some time. For the Econ sections Mr. Clifford ACDC Econ was a huge help and for the cost accounting Professor Farhat does an excellent job. I supplemented material with those. Both of them have a number of videos on YouTube. I hope this info helps! Good luck!!


    I passed BEC my 1st try with the following technique: Ninja Notes, Audio and MCQ. I watched ACDC Econ and Edspira videos on youtube. They were typically short and covered one subject at a time. Hopefully you remember the subjects that you felt you struggled on during the exam and you should really work hard on those next time.


    Try this study plan (even if using Becker)

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